Created at 1pm, Dec 29
firstbatchArtificial Intelligence
Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding for Recommender Systems
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Among different recommendation techniques, collaborative filtering usually suffer from limited performance due to the sparsity of user-item interactions. To address the issues, auxiliary information is usually used to boost the performance. Due to the rapid collection of information on the web, the knowledge base provides heterogeneous information including both structured and unstructured data with different semantics, which can be consumed by various applications. In this paper, researchers investigate how to leveragethe heterogeneous information in a knowledge base to improve thequality of recommender systems. First, by exploiting the knowledge base, they design three components to extract items’ semantic representations from structural content, textual content and visual content, respectively. To be specific, they adopt a heterogeneous network embedding method, termed as TransR, to extract items’ structural representations by considering the heterogeneity of both nodes and relationships. Tehy apply stacked denoising auto-encoders and stacked convolutional auto-encoders, which are two types of deep learning based embedding techniques, to extract items’ textual representations and visual representations, respectively. Finally, they propose our final integrated framework, which is termed as Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding (CKE), to jointly learn the latent representations in collaborative filtering as well as items’ semantic representations from the knowledge base. To evaluate the performance of each embedding component as well as the whole system, they conduct extensive experiments with two real- world datasets from different scenarios. The results reveal that our approaches outperform several widely adopted state-of-the-art recommendation methods.

8 Table 1: Detailed statistics of the two datasets MovieLens-1M IntentBooks #user #item #interactions #sk nodes #sk edges #sk edge types #tk items #vk items 5,883 3,230 226,101 84,011 169,368 10 2,752 2,958 92,564 18,475 897,871 26,337 57,408 6 17,331 16,719
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The result shows that the precision is 91.5%, which we believe is accurate enough for subsequent experiments. We sample the user implicit feedback data from Bings search log from Sep. 2014 to Jun. 2015. After removing users with less than 5 book interests, we nally have 92,564 users, 18,475 books, and 897,871 user-book interests. We also use Satori knowledge base to extract structural knowledge, textual knowledge and visual knowledge for these two datasets. First, we applied a two staged method described in (including both title match and attributes match) to map each movie from MovieLens-1M dataset to an entity in the knowledge base (note that a book in the IntentBooks dataset is already an entity in the knowledge base, therefore matching step is ignored). We explicitly observed 200 paired results, where 92% of the pairs are correctly matched (the match precision is good enough for later process). In addition, we n
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Next, to build the structural knowledge, we extract a subgraph from the knowledge base which contains item entities, entities which are 1-step away from item entities, and the corresponding relationships. For movie entities, the 1-step entities include genre, director, writer, actors, language, country, production date, rating, nominated awards, and received awards; for book entities, the 1-step entities include genre, author, publish date, belonged series, language, and rating. Then for text knowledge, we follow the word hashing procedure as that in to preprocess the text information extracted from the plots of the movies and the descriptions of the books. Finally, for visual knowledge, we use the poster image of a movie entity and the front cover image of a book entity, where the nally used visual input are images that are reshaped to the 3 64 64 tensor format in the RGB space. Some detaile
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For example, #sk nodes indicates the total number of nodes in the extracted structural knowledge, #tk items indicates the number of items having textual knowledge, and #vk items indicates the number of items having visual knowledge.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "EvxPMfKJtJXSxRSKOZCzylkMWoaHiBbJiqp9wwWYoZQ", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "EvxPMfKJtJXSxRSKOZCzylkMWoaHiBbJiqp9wwWYoZQ", "level": 2}'