Created at 11am, Apr 15
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Can a human and a chimpanzee mate to create a hybrid species?

Ilya Ivanov went to French Guinea in Africa with the money he received from Soviet Russia. He planned to artificially fertilize the local women there using monkey sperm. However, in the culture of the region, legends were believed that Monkeys kidnapped and raped women. For this reason, he could not convince even a single woman to try his experiment. For this reason, he reversed the process and artificially inseminated female chimpanzees with male humans. However, the procedure was not successful in any of the 13 chimpanzees. Because Ivanov was afraid of the reaction of Soviet Russia, he misguided the women in the region and performed artificial insemination with chimpanzees. However, he was not successful again. As a result, he was sent from the country. Meanwhile, the Soviets sent 20 chimpanzees to Russia, but only 4 of them survived.
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He continued to work in order to continue his experiments in Soviet Russia. However, he could not find an experiment candidate again. Only one person, who was given the "g" code, agreed to participate in the experiment, stating that he had no purpose in life. Even though the psychological state of the woman was not morally appropriate, the experiment was started. However, the woman did not become pregnant in any way and the experiment was unsuccessful. It was believed that there was evolution between a human and a chimpanzee named Olivier, who was brought to America from the Congo. The reason for this was stated to be his appearance and the fact that he walked on two legs. However, a study conducted by the University of Chicago in 1996 proved that Oliver was a completely normal chimpanzee. Today, such experiments are restricted by very strict conditions.
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In a study conducted in America, a Chimera species was created with one part of its body as a human and the other part as an ape. The main purpose of these procedures is also related to tissue and organ engineering. As a result, since the field is a very controversial issue, serious research is not carried out in this field. If we can manage genes better with genetic methods, we can remove the reproductive barriers between species and pave the way for brand new hybrids that would never be possible in nature. So, even if we come to this situation, should we do this?
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