Created at 10pm, Feb 4
Welcome to the Beatles
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Welcome to the Beatles

43. Blanco, Interviews of Beatles. 44. Blanco. 45. leia176oo, John Lennon-on Yoko 46. Ambitious Yoko Caused Trouble, Court Informed. 47. Jared Johnson, Obituary or Rebirth?, The Atlanta Constitution, April 18, 1970. 48. Johnson, Obituary or Rebirth? 150 Welcome to the Beatles 2009 interview with Rolling Stone, I dont think you could have broken up four very strong people like them, which means in the end it was Lennons choice, and, therefore, Lennons responsibility.49 Following the breakup, despite her own views, Ono was forced to endure extreme anti-feminist slander. She was labeled in confusing, contradictory ways. The media simultaneously claimed that Ono was controlling while calling her a follower,
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However, Lennon was in fact the instigator of Onos involvement in these meetings. Therefore, if Ono were to be a good, obedient woman, she would attend these meetings as per his wishes, but if she did attend these meetings, she was seen as manipulative and controlling. They decried both her independence and her codependence. This is a perfect example of the cage placed around women and supports the argument that Ono hate is, in fact, a symptom of female oppression.50 These are the double binds that women all over the world have faced for centuries, and Ono was no exception. After the breakup, Lennon and Ono remained together and produced several parallel and joint works. The first of which were two albums which mirrored one
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Lennon and Ono released both of these albums on December 11, 1970, Lennons entitled John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band and Onos entitled Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band. The two albums also featured parallel covers.51 Johns album received great amounts of praise while Onos was ridiculed. Later in 1971, Lennon released his smash hit Imagine, which was immediately accepted and appreciated.52 However, what many did not realize is that it was Ono that had inspired this piece with one of her early pieces in which she instructed her audience to imagine different situations.53 It was 49. Mikal Gilmore, Why the Beatles Broke Up, Rolling Stone, September 3, 2009. 50. Marilyn Frye, Oppression, in The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory (Toronto: The Crossing Press, 1983).
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51. John Lennon, recorded 26 September23 October 1970, Apple, John Lennon/ Plastic Ono Band, 1970, compact disc, and Yoko Ono, recorded 1970, Apple, Yoko Ono/ Plastic Ono Band, 1970, compact disc. 52. John Lennon, Imagine, recorded 1112 February23 June5 July 1971, Apple, Imagine, 1971, compact disc. 53. Yoko Ono, Cloud Piece, in Grapefruit Revolution 9 151 not until the year 2017 that Ono finally received the co-writing credit that she deserved. Ono was not only a pioneer in the world of art but also a leader in the feminist movement. Ono emphasized the need for women to pursue equality to the fullest extent and the necessity of demanding freedom not only from men, but also from their
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