Created at 6pm, Apr 6
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
Being Successful
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To Be Successful You Have to Fail First Why Failure Leads to Success To truly experience life to the fullest, you need to know why failure is an important aspect of success. Nobody is perfect. You should know by now that life is not a perfect script devoid of any failure that you follow through. If you think there is someone living a failure\u0002free life then you are very much wrong. What you should believe is that there is value in every disappointment you suffer. Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of about failing.

This calls to reason that as much as your pride yourself in being able to make rational decisions, you must give some value to your instinct. This is an emotion with the capability to help you make good decisions by seeing a problem as clearly as possible. Researchers have also found out that it is possible for your unconscious mind to use what is happening around you to influence how your long-term goals turn out. How you feel about something determines whether you will pursue a given goal or not. This is because your unconscious mind works well with ideas, objects or subject that it responds to positively and can support your goal. Therefore, if you feel good about starting a project or business then this is the first step to finding what could actually be the vehicle to your success. However, if you feel that what you are about to embark on has no way of succeeding them it might be true. It is up to you to know when to listen to your instincts.
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If your unconscious mind wants to succeed, you should be ready to follow through with it. It is all about following your heart if you want to be successful. Even as you listen to your gut feeling, you still need to consider each aspect of your business or project idea carefully. This is because you want to ensure all the right aspects of the project are viable or are right for you. It is not that you want to dispute what your emotions are telling you. It is all about having the means you need to make your ideas into reality. Chapter 13: Successful People are Not Perfectionists One reason people always miss on an opportunity is that they strive to be perfect. The individuals often sit back and wait trying to prepare for an opportunity for them to take it. The only problem is that great chances never wait for them. Perfectionists never win. The best way to succeed is for you to jump right in when an opportunity comes your way. You may be a highly productive and successful individual. How
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Perfectionism only tends to limit your success. It pulls you back and gives you many variables to think about and worry over. In the end, you only work to cloud your judgment with obstacles that you have not yet seen but believe to be waiting for you when you take up an opportunity. However, it is also good to know that there is nothing wrong about having high standards for yourself. It is actually very good to want to produce only the best results. It is also good to think through before you take up any opportunity that comes your way. It is only if you take more time than is necessary to think it over that this chance will pass you by. What successful people do is to understand and master how to choose between opportunities to take and those to let go. These individuals have fine-tuned the way to choose only those chances that have the likelihood of success. They also ensure these are opportu
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The best way to overcome the concept of perfectionism is to reframe your understanding of how perfection takes place. It is also good to have in place mechanisms that you can easily use to determine the worth of an opportunity that comes your way. You could have people in your life that you trust who have the ability to spot good chances, or they may be helpful in giving
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "-YAHDc8ZUKXclOAM2sMsgPE0L4sXn2XK4wxZfegUM6Y", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "-YAHDc8ZUKXclOAM2sMsgPE0L4sXn2XK4wxZfegUM6Y", "level": 2}'