Created at 2pm, Jan 3
Ms-RAGFolklore & Mythology
The Myths & Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
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The want of an interesting work on Greek and Roman mythology, suitable for the requirements of both boys and girls, has long been recognized by the principals of our advanced schools. The study of the classics themselves, even where the attainments of the pupil have rendered this feasible, has not been found altogether successful in giving to the student a clear and succinct idea of the religious beliefs of the ancients, and it has been suggested that a work which would so deal with the subject as to render it at once interesting and instructive would be hailed as a valuable introduction to the study of classic authors, and would be found to assist materially the labours of both master and pupil. nnIn endeavouring to supply this want I have sought to place before the reader a lifelike picture of the deities of classical times as they were conceived and worshipped by the ancients themselves, and thereby to awaken in the minds of young students a desire to become more intimately acquainted with the noble productions of classical antiquity.

Hor (Seasons) Closely allied to the Graces were the Hor, or Seasons, who were also represented as three beautiful maidens, daughters of Zeus and Themis. Their names were Eunomia, Dice, and Irene. It may appear strange that these divinities, presiding over the seasons, should be but three in number, but this is quite in accordance with the notions of the ancient Greeks, who only recognized spring, summer, and autumn as seasons; nature being supposed to be wrapt in death or slumber, during that cheerless and unproductive portion of the year which we call winter. In some parts of Greece there were but two Hor, Thallo, goddess of the bloom, and Carpo, of the corn and fruit-bearing season.
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The Hor are always regarded as friendly towards mankind, and totally devoid of guile or subtlety; they are represented as joyous, but gentle maidens, crowned with owers, and holding each other by the hand in a round dance. When they are depicted separately as personications of the dierent seasons, the Hora representing spring appears laden with owers, that of summer bears a sheaf of corn, whilst the personication of autumn has her hands lled with clusters of grapes and other fruits. They also appear in company with the Graces in the train of Aphrodite, and are seen with Apollo and the Muses.
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They are inseparably connected with all that is good and beautiful in nature, and as the regular alternation of the seasons, like all her other operations, demands the most perfect order and regularity, the Hor, being the daughters of Themis, came to be regarded as the representatives of order, and the just administration of human aairs in civilized communities. Each of these graceful maidens took upon herself a separate function: Eunomia presided more espe138 MM.165 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 1 ] The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
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E. M. Berens cially over state life, Dice guarded the interests of individuals, whilst Irene, the gayest and brightest of the three sisters, was the light-hearted companion of Dionysus. The Hor were also the deities of the fast-eeting hours, and thus presided over the smaller, as well as the larger divisions of time. In this capacity they assist every morning in yoking the celestial horses to the glorious chariot of the sun, which they again help to unyoke when he sinks to rest. In their original conception they were personications of the clouds, and are described as opening and closing the gates of heaven, and causing fruits and owers to spring forth, when they pour down upon them their refreshing and life-giving streams. The Nymphs The graceful beings called the Nymphs were the presiding deities of the woods, grottoes, streams, meadows, &c.
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