Created at 12am, Mar 12
A Dictionary and Thesaurus of Contemporary Figurative Language and Metaphor 2022 by Joseph Gagen Stockdale III ( U.S. Department of Education)
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The third and latest (2022) edition of this dictionary and thesaurus of contemporary figurativelanguage and metaphor has been updated to better reflect the language of groups, social media,and social change. The work seeks to identify language used figuratively in everydaycontemporary English, along with its distinguishing collocates. The first entry is ablaze, and thelast entry is Zuckerberg (the Russian Mark Zuckerberg, etc.). Each entry is tagged by whatcognitive linguists sometimes describe as target and source; in general, each entry seeks tohighlight a physical basis. Tags include ones like shape; direction; weight; trips & journeys; past& present; feeling & emotion, etc. The compiler is a lifelong EFL teacher of adult militarystudents in Saudi Arabia, and his interest in figurative language arose during his work. The resultreinforces that language used figuratively based on our lives and experiences is common andimportant in all types of communication. For example, a “tug-of-war” from the experience of ourchildhood can describe a struggle with radar on a plane that results in hundreds of fatalities, anda “conversation” nowadays often suggests much more than simply a talk between two people.The work has implications for ESL / EFL teaching, which tends to focus on the literal meaningsof words, usually the first sense in a dictionary. Clearly, more attention should be paid to othersenses of words, and this work will help to identify and classify them. This is a reference for ESL/ EFL teachers, curriculum developers, materials writers, and teacher trainers. However, it hasalso been found useful as a dataset by linguists and computer experts interested in metaphordetection, natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and social-mediaanalysis. Preliminary short discussions based on the work include (1) 60 + common metaphors(2) Collocation (3) Epithets (4) Persons (5) The “container” metaphor (6) Grammaticalmetaphor, fictive verbs, etc. (7) Past, present and future (8) Allusions (9) Euphemisms (10)Gestures and bodily reactions (11) Shapes and parts-whole (12) Animacy (13) Persistence,survival and endurance (14) Quotations (15) Synonyms and opposites (16) Lessons and exercises(17) To the ESL / EFL teacher, which focuses on how the dictionary and thesaurus impacts theknowledge and experience base of the ESL / EFL teacher and (18) An alphabetized list of thethesaurus categories. U.S. Department of Education

id: 9ee58564b711845e9f1f241d14984b9c - page: 837
) what became a ~ (females diet / eating disorders) fraternity drinking ritual his son had taken part in a ~ (died) rising star she is a ~ (a singer) ~ Poeti Norac has died (the French surfer) she was named a ~ (cinematographer Halyna Hutchins) personal finance ritual recording checks is a ~ hazing ritual rising star in the (Lincoln) firmament General Grant was a ~ it was a ~ (training) Yale has strict policies barring ~s (fraternities) ~s pushed too far (high school) rising star in the Democratic Party mating ritual he was considered a ~ (Stockton California mayor) cicadas engage in a frenetic ~ rising star in Democratic politics annual ritual Joe Neguse has been considered a ~ the summer sojourn is an ~ (Germans visit Mallorca) rising star in the (progressive) ranks bizarre rituals Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is the ~
id: 31e7c1dfa0aea4d10df3b4828bc5dbbe - page: 837
s got ~s (sharing a room) reaction to the riots lifted a ~ named Ronald Reagan yearly ritual Page 837 of 1574 the start of the ~ (Cancun spring break)
id: 360b1fdb2d85b854f219ca57710661e7 - page: 837
s got wacky ~s (sharing a room) amount & effect: river / water movement: river / water river (sell somebody down the river) stab us in the back or sell us down the river follow a (nightly bedtime) ritual ~ (bath, books, and bed) (toddlers) stop the ritual colleges have tried various tactics to ~ (alcohol) he might ~ (lack of trust) allegiance, support & betrayal: history / river / verb riveted engage in a (frenetic) mating ritual cicadas ~ riveted in the (public) imagination Brandi Chastain is forever ~ taken part in a (fraternity drinking) ritual his son had ~ (died) riveted on the drama the nations attention is ~ unfolding in Washington Reading about Larrys exploits in the Boston Harold had become a happy ritual. (Larry Bird, the great NBA player and Hoosier from French Lick, Indiana.) keep you riveted this twisty crime thriller will ~ (No Sudden Move)
id: c0e8d7b35c4692b6a755f92e3f7a087d - page: 838
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