Created at 1pm, Mar 30
Review of Intr view of Introduction t oduction to Spirituality: Cultiv o Spirituality: Cultivating a Lif ating a Lifestyle of estyle of Faithfulness
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Tyra, Gary. Introduction to Spirituality: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Faithfulness. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerAcademic, 2023. 189 pages. $24.99

In chapter 6, he examines the concept of prayer and explores Pauls idea of praying without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) as a mood or a state of being that is virtually ongoinga lingering season of hopeful waiting on God (112-113). In keeping with this idea of an ongoing communing with the Spirit, in the next chapter Tyra encourages his readers to abide in Christ by engaging in morning devotions, Scripture memorization, and spiritual reading: namely, non-Scripture books that encourage spiritual formation (128-131). Most importantly, he encourages his readers to pursue Christs presence even while engaged in day-to-day mundane or secular activities (135-139). In chapter 8, Tyra explores the attitudes and habits that contribute to a missional spirituality where one can draw others to come taste and see the grace of God (145-157).
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At this point, Tyras sketch of a lifestyle of faithfulness is complete, and he has fully explored the spiritual, moral, and missional faithfulness that leads to a flourishing relationship with each respective member of the Holy Trinity. But in his final chapter, Tyra turns to the spiritual exercises (fasting, meditation, service, etc.) that many readers may have expected to see sooner. However, he reiterates his concern to provide the theological and spiritual grounding that allows such exercises to serve their purpose: to reorient the believer towards total dependence on God and not simply become ends in themselves.1
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In an age where self-help books and how-to manuals on spirituality (even Christian spirituality) continue to proliferate and focus on spiritual exercises alone, Tyras concern to lay the theological and spiritual groundwork for future discussions of such practical disciplines is both admirable and timely. And while not all readers will agree with Tyras theological beliefs, such as those concerning Christian apostasy (41-42, 64), glossalia (117-125), and the sacraments (156), his emphasis on a perpetual lifestyle spirituality, rather than a checklist of spiritual exercises, should encourage believers of all backgrounds to thoughtfully reflect on their current relationship with the Lord. And though it remains remarkably concise, the book introduces a wide range of issues, from philosophical realism to 1 Note that although Tyra spends little time discussing practical spiritual exercises, he still
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Volume 7 Issue 2 December 2023 Page 190 incarnational ministry, from relational apologetics to the practice of speaking in tongues. Yet throughout his book, Tyra remains committed to grounding his discussion in the Word of God, not least evidenced by the preponderance of Scripture references in his footnotes.
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