Created at 10pm, Feb 15
Beginner Tutorial for American Football
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Quick tutorial about how to play american football

THE PASS The other alternative to running the ball is to throw it. Or as they say in football, pass it! Usually, the quarterback does the passing, though there are times when another player may pass the ball to confuse the defense. Actually, anyone on the offensive team is allowed to pass the ball as long as the pass is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is complete if the ball is caught by another offensive player, usually the "wide receiver" or "tight end." If the ball hits the ground before someone catches it, it is called an incomplete pass. THE TACKLE The defense prevents the offense from advancing the ball by bringing the ball carrier to the ground. A player is tackled when one or both of his knees touch the ground. The play is then over. A play also ends when a player runs out of bounds. SCORING The object of the game is to score the most points. There are four ways to score points in football. TOUCHDOWN = 6 POINTS
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It is worth six points, and it allows the scoring team an opportunity to attempt to get an extra point. To score a touchdown, the ball must be carried across the goal line into the end zone, caught in the end zone, or a fumble recovered in the end zone, or an untouched kickoff recovered in the end zone by the kicking team. EXTRA POINT and the TWO-POINT CONVERSION = 1 or 2 POINTS o
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Immediately following a touchdown, the ball is placed at the opponent's two-yard line, where the offense has two options. Usually the offense will kick an extra point, also called the point after touchdown, conversion, or PAT. If the offense successfully kicks the ball through the goal posts, it earns one point. The offense can also score two points by running or throwing the ball into the end zone in the same manner as you would score a touchdown. Since going for two points is more difficult than kicking an extra point, the offense generally chooses to kick the extra point. FIELD GOAL = 3 POINTS o
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If the offense cannot score a touchdown, it may try to kick a field goal. Field goals are worth three points and often are the deciding plays in the last seconds of close games. They can be attempted from anywhere on the field on any down, but generally are kicked from inside the defense's 45-yard line on fourth down. For a field goal to be "good", the placekicker (or field goal kicker) must kick the ball through the goal-post uprights and over the crossbar. The defense tries to block the kick and stop the ball from reaching the goal post. SAFETY = 2 POINTS o The safety is worth two points. A safety occurs when the offensive ball carrier is tackled behind his own
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "11tm6aDxq9s76dsUGPWr5YItQEII6U6k-baal5Tf2t8", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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curl -X POST "" \
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "11tm6aDxq9s76dsUGPWr5YItQEII6U6k-baal5Tf2t8", "level": 2}'