Created at 9pm, Mar 11
Silk Road and Trade of the Mongol Empire
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The first records of trade relations in human history comes from ancient time.According to Sharavsambuu (2021, 35) we can determine that the trade history ofMongolia begins with the establishment of the first state in Asia.As a carrier of national culture, trade is one of the most accurate indicators ofmaterial life and the cultural level of any civilization. Furthermore, there are dozensof researches on the life and cultural heritage of the civilization of that time based onthe characteristics of the goods transported during the ancient Silk Road.Within the framework of the “Silk Road and Mongols” project, Mongolian historical researchers visited the cultural and historical monuments along the Silk Roadand prepared a series of documentary films in order to clarify the role played by theMongols in the development of the Silk Road. These short films (Delgerjargal 2020a,2020b, 2020c, 2020d, 2020e, 2020f) has played important role in understanding andpublic awareness of the historical and cultural monuments related to the history ofMongolia along the Silk Road.

Venetian merchant explorer Marco Polo (12541324) was the rst European who traveled through the Silk Road route to China. He met with Kublai Khan and wrote many beautiful notes (Polo 1987) about the wealth and life of the East, which is famous not only in Europe but also in the world. His notes are said to have been read by the great geographical discoverer Christopher Columbus when he crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The note is called Book of the Marvels of the World (later known in English as The Travels of Marco Polo) and the term Silk Road is not used in the note, but it is mentioned that Kharkhorin in Mongolia was the central trade route of Asia. Researchers believe that German geographer and traveler Ferdinand von Richthofen rst used the term Silk Road in his work China in 1877, according to Mark (2018) Ferdinand von Richthofen designated them Seidenstrasse (Silk Road) or Seidenstrassen (silk routes). Both of these people were recorded as traveling along the route and transporting g
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1 The oral law code of the Mongols. 73 74
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O. Nyamdaa During the time of the Mongol Empire, foreign policy and its procedures were steadily developed by sending envoys with special stamps to foreign countries, receiving foreign envoys, and negotiating treaties. In 1218, Chinggis Khan sent his trade ambassador2 to Khorezm, which was one of the largest power in Central Asia at that time, as well as the center of trade between the West, East, North, and South, in order to conclude a peace treaty and expand trade with neighbors. However, due to the execution of Chinggis Khans ambassadors by the Khorezm king, he fought with Khorezm and captured the empire, taking control of the Central Asian trade network, and this led Mongol Empire to becoming the trade center of that time, according to scholars such as J. Weatherford. From this, ambassadors played an important role in trade relations, and in some cases, through them, double intelligence was carried out and the situation of the country was monitored.
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Furthermore, there are some other sources that described Chinggis Khans invasion of Khorezm as having the goal of capturing the Central Asian Silk Road. Otherwise, whoever controlled the Silk Road would have had a geopolitical advantage. It was mentioned in Marco Polos work (Polo 1987) that Chinggis Khan invited western merchants to his house, and the goods they brought were evaluated by 20 scholars with high trade knowledge, and the trade was mutually benecial for the parties. As he fully believes that our merchants can bring gold-studded clothes and ne goods and trade with great prot, so our military leaders should train their boys well in archery, horsemanship, and hand-to-hand combat. It is said that they were taught to be brave and sincere like hard-working traders who know the art of winning, which indicates that the traders of that time had a high level of knowledge about the market, demand, and supply that we are talking about today. Also, it can be seen that Chinggis Khan wa
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