Created at 3pm, Jan 30
Turkey city distance table with plate numbers
File Type
Entry Count
Embed. Model
Index Type

This table shows the distances between various cities in Turkey. It lists the cities as rows and columns, with the corresponding distances between them appearing in the intersecting cells. This table could be useful for planning road trips, calculating travel times, or understanding the geographical relationships between different parts of the country.

1414 1167 1577 1349 373 89 1365 1080 1474 1216 350 350 1129 937 985 798 753 963 1027 765 556 905 466 1307 535 888 536 197 935 743 597 990 511 796 535 648 469 568 1005 927 917 1129 937 160 722 932 885 734 621 874 435 1165 504 857 541 262 775 808 566 851 351 801 375 560 534 633 866 953 982 985 798 160 669 924 69 518 1330 466 675 349 569 849 952 1035 414 1421 454 113 468 910 612 314 1243 1406 202 1194 1303 171 179 958 819 23 1303 171 179 958 819 24 no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ilno 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 iladi ADANA ADIYAMAN AFYONKARAHSAR ARI AMASYA ANKARA ANTALYA ARTVN AYDIN BALIKESR BLECK BNGL BTLS BOLU BURDUR BURSA ANAKKALE ANKIRI ORUM DENZL DYARBAKIR EDRNE ELAZI ERZNCAN ADANAADIYAMAN
id: 01141c1600dd0505cfa1cd7fc40fe794 - page: 23
AFYONKARAHSARARIAMASYAANKARAANTALYAARTVNAYDIN 0 333 573 965 611 490 558 1034 883 333 0 906 648 634 755 891 755 1216 573 906 0 1311 590 256 292 1237 346 965 648 1311 0 738 1055 1432 397 1645 611 634 590 738 0 334 826 695 932 490 755 256 1055 334 0 544 981 598 558 891 292 1432 826 544 0 1469 342 1034 755 1237 397 695 981 1469 0 1579 883 1216 346 1645 932 598 342 1579 0 897 1230 324 1571 833 533 505 1463 296 768 1059 212 1360 622 315 476 1252 520 632 349 1102 359 640 899 1190 406 1412 731 414 1295 234 833 1092 1289 562 1605 677 946 420 1147 409 191 684 1039 718 666 999 170 1428 756 422 122 1403 272 837 1128 273 1420 682 384 537 1312 445 1097 1399 524 1691 953 655 705 1583 450 576 785 387 986 248 131 668 895 729 579 698 498 830 92 242 734 739 840 760 1093 223 1522 809 475 220 1456 126 522 205 1095 443 700 910
id: 8797b48737b09cc919e01be2c776644a - page: 25
1080 550 1405 1169 1438 684 1639 901 683 913 1531 658 490 283 960 497 547 757 1048 544 1270 677 550 940 371 367 684 1061 408 1274 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ERZURUM ESKEHR GAZANTEP GRESUN GMHANE HAKKAR HATAY ISPARTA MERSN STANBUL ZMR KARS KASTAMONU KAYSER KIRKLAREL KIREHR KOCAEL KONYA KTAHYA MALATYA MANSA KAHRAMANMARA MARDN MULA MU NEVEHR NDE ORDU
id: d03d50287f860200428f7889e97286c0 - page: 25
RZE 808 686 209 727 786 906 191 616 69 939 900 1011 690 333 1150 375 828 356 673 392 884 189 534 869 742 287 205 718 927 529 977 150 712 683 669 320 949 402 1208 1233 732 886 437 1419 571 1097 689 1006 185 1217 164 296 1202 463 518 538 728 858 2 1130 144 782 866 1008 1479 764 169 565 454 327 1330 501 521 665 429 343 223 100 862 311 762 1107 368 1212 440 459 822 1078 184 1288 756 547 384 432 952 1378 1034 1409 1634 217 990 814 1620 944 1298 1118 1366 595 1618 812 518 1667 245 895 942 591 548 557 567 607 324 435 1145 703 721 639 671 913 757 252 348 882 312 560 512 645 467 897 527 795 954 750 363 441 280 536 874 1251 233 424 671 767 610 1102 752 1170 1368 1464 681 749 421 130 483 489 453 718 579 444 1074 1451 245 782 318 618 664 929 184 572 342 607 258 322 311 364 659 950 563 428 591 747 996 1092 620
id: 017266c554737c09135a15c6a4bbbcf7 - page: 26
How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "1jb0jjaV9ZiFfIPsKHVIZ-B38Hwrf9-CgAe971khn_8", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "1jb0jjaV9ZiFfIPsKHVIZ-B38Hwrf9-CgAe971khn_8", "level": 2}'