Created at 9pm, Apr 16
Positiveeffects of Quercetin, Iron Oxide Nanoparticlesand Ascorbic Acid composition in the treatment of women with metabolic syndrome
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Abstract.Relevance of study.Metabolicsyndrome (MS) increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovasculardiseaseand type ІІdiabetes.Correction of the MSmanifestations is important for reducing cardiovascular risk.Aim-to study the effects of using a composition consisting of quercetin (Q), polyvalent iron oxide nanoparticles (IONs) and ascorbic acid (AA) in women with MS.Materials and methods.60 women with MS took part in the study. They weredivided equally into two groups.The control group patients received a placebo for one month, and the main group received a composition of Q, IONsand AAfor one monthtoo.Anthropometric parameters, fasting plasma glucose level and standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), serum lipid concentration, and microvascular endothelial function in a sample withreactivepost-occlusionhyperemia were determined.Results.The use of thecomposition led to a decrease in theglycemialevel of both on an empty stomach and after 2 hours of SGTT, the concentration of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in blood seruminatherogenic dyslipidemiapatients.At the same time, there wasan improvement in the endotheliumfunctional state of the microvessels, as evidenced by an increase in the maximum volume velocity of skin blood flow in the reactive hyperemiatest.Conclusion.It was found that the use of a composition Q, IONs and AAhada positive effect on cardiovascular risk factors in MS patients.

Before the inclusion of patients in the study, dysfunction of the endothelium of the microvessels was detected in 25 out of 30 people in the control group and in 26 out of 30 people selected in the main group. The presence of endothelial dysfunction was indicated by indicators of the SBFRmax with reactive hyperemia of less than 5 ml min-1 per 100 g of tissue. Indicators in the control group were (4.38 0.26) ml min-1 per 100 g of tissue and in the main group (4.13 0.18) ml min-1 per 100 g of tissue.
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Microcirculation indicators and vasomotor function of the endothelium of the microvessels have changed slightly in the control group patients under the placebo influence (Tab. 4). A statistically significant increase in SBFR occurred in the Q, IONs and AA composition treatment group. This indicates the improvement of microcirculation. In addition, there were statistically significant changes in other indicators. There were an SBFRmax increase, an increase in SBFR during the test with reactive hyperemia, and an increase in T rec after a test with reactive hyperemia. The changes in all the indicated indicators in the main group were statistically significantly different from the changes in these indicators in the control group. Table 4 Indicators of the function of the endothelium of the microvessels before and after treatment of placebo and the Q, IONs and AA composition, m Indicators SBFR at rest, ml min-1 per 100 g tissue
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SBFRmax with reactive hyperemia, ml min-1 per 100 g tissue 1 2 1 2 Control group, placebo, n = 30 1.08 0.09 1.03 0.08 0.05 0.10 4.38 0.26 4.54 0.23 0.16 0.22 Main group, Q + IONs + AA, n = 30 0.90 0.04 1.12 0.04 0.22 0.05**# 4.13 0.18 5.54 0.30 1.41 0.27**# An increase in SBFR with reactive hyperemia, ml min-1 per 100 g tissue 1 2 3.30 0.18 3.51 0.21 0.21 0.19 3.23 0.17 4.46 0.29 1.23 0.27**# 13 T rec, s 1 2 103.70 3.30 100.20 2.90 3.50 2.10 91.50 5.70 109.20 6.00 17.70 4.20**# Notes: 1 before treatment, 2 after treatment; indicator shift, * statistical significance of the shift, 0.05; # statistical significance of the difference in shifts between groups, 0.05
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In this study, we were the first to show the normalizing use effect of Q, IONs and AA composition on carbohydrate metabolism in women with MS. This is evidenced by a decrease in the fasting blood glucose level and glucose level after 2 hours of a standard glucose tolerance test. The percentage of examinees with carbohydrate metabolism prediabetic disorders also decreased. The obtained effect may be due to the action of the antioxidant Q, which in previous studies normalized the increased level of glucose in the blood and reduced insulin resistance [5,7,9]. Another study showed that the use of IONs also normalized glucose homeostasis in experimental type II diabetes animals . This gives reason to claim that when using the composition, there is a mutual potentiation of the beneficial effects of antioxidant Q and IONs on carbohydrate metabolism.
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