Created at 2pm, Jan 14
Rethinking the Hispanic Paradox: The Mortality Experience of Mexican Immigrants in Traditional Gateways and New Destinations - Andrew Fenelon
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Article - National Center for Health Statistics - IMMIGRANT DESTINATION AND MORTALITY

Sociodemographic characteristics Education Less than high school High school Some college College Employment status Employed Unemployed Not in labor force Family income Family income below poverty line Family income 100199% of poverty line Family income 200399% of poverty line Family income 400%+ of poverty line
id: dbc2b73ce09419ffcbfce26a98b03eb4 - page: 17
Number of observations 825,107 825,107 Notes: All models control for age, sex, and interview year. aModel 2 adds an interaction between destination type and race/ethnicity/nativity. The main effect of destination type is included in the model although the coefcients are not reported. bModel 3 adds sociodemographic covariates: education, family income, employment status, marital status, household size. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. the remainder of the analysis. US-born Mexicans in minor destinations have a 10 percent mortality advantage over those in traditional destinations. The unadjusted results indicate that neither US-born nor foreignborn Mexicans advantage over experience non-Hispanic whites in traditional destinations. a
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First, the mortality advantage in traditional destinations increases to 31 percent. Second, the additional advantage of Mexicans in new and minor destinations is attenuated some, declining from 30 to 26 percent for new destinations and from 26 to 18 percent for minor. Thus, benecial socioeconomic characteristics explain Model 3 adds controls for socioeconomic for foreign-born Mexicans over non-Hispanic whites 17 Model 3b 1.00 0.75*** 0.69*** 1.09 0.96 0.74*** 0.82*** 1.00 0.82*** 0.74*** 0.60*** 1.00 1.38*** 1.68*** 1.00 0.92*** 0.78*** 0.68*** 825,107 18 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW TABLE 4 CONTEXTUAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL, NEW, AND MINOR DESTINATIONS USING CENSUS SUMMARY FILE 3 Traditional destinations New destinations Minor destinations Mean total population (county) Social and economic characteristics 431,632 207,333 51,850
id: 48bf2b0d8f36e4fbc6b8720aae1a1079 - page: 17
Median household income Employment status 40,995 43,803 33,683 Employed Unemployed Not in labor force Percent employed in 57.2% 3.8 38.3 15% 61.5% 3.2 34.7 17% 56.5% 3.5 39.8 19% manufacturing occupations
id: c241a7d3a57f224e51d2aa15703c5741 - page: 18
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