Created at 8pm, Jul 4
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The events leading up to the outbreak of the war and the subsoquent American entry into it are of an importance and :^aterest sogreat that it is difficult to exaggerate. The chronicle of the inexorable march of aggression after 1931 and the failure of efforts to curbit illuminate the problems of a secure peace in. the future as no mereformal argument or debate could ever- do. On the other hand, eventssince December 7, 1941, present a picture of increasingly -cooperativeeffort on the part of those governments which look toward a civilizedworld at the war's conclusion.As a whole, the chronology was conceived as a working outline ofthe period and events covered. It obviously cannot pretend to becomplete or historically definitive. Such completeness and authoritativeness must await the opening of government archives in theindefinite future. Nor should it be considered in whole or in part torepresent the official views of the United States Government. Theinclusion of any item or statement cited to ally source other than anofficial American publication does not imply endorsement or approvalof such itein or statement by the Government of the United States orby any official thereof.As chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House ofRepresentatives, I am more than, pleased that the Committce onPrinting and the Congress as a whole has seen fit to approve the publication of this chronology. The work itself is a product of the Legislative Reference Service. The chronology prior to December 7, 1941,was the work of Miss Marie Klooz and Miss Evelyn Wiley, under thegeneral direction of Mr. Richard A. Humphrey. Mr. Humphrey,assisted by Miss Evelyn Wiley, prepared the subsequent chronology.The index was the work of Ir. A. 0. Sarkissian. The assistance ofGen. Wtalter D. Smith and Capt. Merlyn Cook, U. S. N., in therecommendations of military events for inclusion is gratefullyacknowledged.

August 27. Chancellor Hitler'wrote Premier Daladier war seemed in. no nation with a sense of honor can ever give (". . evitable. up almost two million people and see them maltreated on its own I therefore formulated a clear demand: Danzig and frontiers. the Corridor must return to Germany. The Macedonian conditions prevailing along our eastern frontier must cease. I see no possibility of persua(ling Poland, who deems herself safe from attack by virtue-of guarantees given to her, to agree to a peaceful I see no possibility open to us of influencing solution. . Poland to take a saner attitude and thus to remedy a situation which is unbearable for both the German people and the German German, No. 461, pp. 476 f.; French, No. 267, pp. 285 f.); Reich." that objectionable as his methods were in revising the dictate of Versailles, he found solutions without bloodshed acceptable to ("By the manner in which these solutions were accomothers. plishled, statesmen of other nations were reliev
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" Ibid., p. 284; German, No. 461, p. 475.) British Ambassador reported German allegations of ill treat("In any case it is ment of German minority gross exaggeration. purely and simply deliberate German provocation in accordance with fixed policy that has since March exacerbated feeling between I suppose this has been done with object the two nationalities. of (a) creating war spirit in Germany, (b) impressing. public opinion abroad, (c) provoking either dlefeatism or apparent In face of these facts, it can. hardly aggression in Poland. . . be doubted that, if Herr Hitler decides on war, it is for the sole British, No. 55, purpose of destroying Polish independence." pp. 124 f.)
id: bcb540e9179b6942ba8ff60b9bf69a89 - page: 210
. . . (A7 Britain suggested Poland get the Pope to act as intermediary. (To approach Germany with suggestions of neutral observers and exchange of populations. France notified Belgium that she would respect the latter's neutrality as long as another Power would. ("The Government of the Republic have neglected nothing that might contribute to If their efforts should fail, the French the maintenance of peace. Government know that the Belgian Government would act in exact conformity with their international obligations." French, No. 270, p. 287.); also Luxemburg. (Ibid., No. 279, p. 292.) Britain sent identic notification. EVENTS LEADING UP TO WORLD WAR IIIbid., No. 72, p. 616.) (Belgium, p. 70.)
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August 28. Britain told Germany they would welcome a mutual discussion and agreement after a peaceful settlement of GermanPolish differences by negotiation which would safeguard the essential interests of Poland hnd secure international guarantee ("A just settlement of these questions of the settlement. between Germany and Poland may open the way to world peace. Failure to reach it would ruin the hopes of better understanding between Germany and Great Britain, would bring the two countries into conflict, and might well plunge the whole world Such an outcome would be a calamity without into war. parallel in history." British, No. 73, 74, pp. 161-165; German, No. 463, p. 479; French, No. 277, pp. 200 if.) Ambassador Henderson told Chancellor Hitler he must choose between England and Poland. ("If he put forward immoderate British, demands there was no hope of a peaceful solution." Chancellor Hitler wanted return of Danzig and No. 75, p. 167.) the whole Corridor and a rectification ill
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