Created at 8pm, Mar 31
metadertalHealth & Lifestyle
Pregnancy Signs
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Are you pregnant, or trying to conceive a baby? Are you wondering whether you could be expecting, but are not sure? The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are many and varied. Some symptoms are almost universal. Other symptoms are tricky, because they can indicate either a pregnancy, a period, or a medical condition.No matter what pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing, you'll find them in this book. We'll try our best to help you figure out what is going on with your body. And, as your pregnancy progresses, we will continue to be here for you.

The raised bumps can vary in size and number per woman, and even per breast. Not every pregnant woman develops Montgomerys Tubercules, and even women who are not expecting a baby can get them. Because the underlying glands produce oil to help keep the skin hydrated, you may notice that an oily substance is expelled from any Montgomerys Tubercules that you develop during your nine months.
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Montgomerys Tubercules may look weird to you if you get them. It is no surprise that you may worry about them, when you have no idea what they are. Funnily enough, most online resources that talk about these bumps mention not only that they are completely normal which they are but also that Montgomerys Tubercules are not additional nipples. This comment appears on numerous websites and I had to share it with you because it made me laugh. Of course, one cannot develop additional nipples, and whats more, Montgomerys Tubercules look nothing like nipples! They can rather be compared to zits or pimples, and usually appear when your breasts start growing in preparation for breastfeeding. If you are worried about something connected to your beasts, asking your healthcare provider about the changes you are experiencing is in order. But we do want to stress that breast changes, including Montgomerys Tubercules, are a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. 24
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Copyright by Enlarged breasts your body is preparing for breastfeeding As you leave behind your first trimester of pregnancy, you are likely to feel a lot better. The early, hormonal symptoms of pregnancy are largely gone, and instead you will start experiencing pregnancy signs that make it clear that your body is preparing for your babys impending arrival. Not only will you notice a growing uterus, and start feeling fetal movement, your breasts will also undergo numerous changes in an effort to prepare them for breastfeeding your baby once he or she is born. In this process, your breasts can grow several cup sizes. Enlarged breasts are a sign that your bodys preparations are going smoothly.
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Colostrum, the first milk that your body will produce to nourish your baby in his or her first couple of days after birth, actually appears at some point during pregnancy. Many women will see that their breasts start leaking small amounts of colostrum in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Your breasts might continue to grow throughout your pregnancy. This is very common, although it does not happen to every pregnant woman and we have to note that you will be able to breastfeed your baby even if your breasts stay the same size.
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