Created at 1am, Jan 5
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Earths deepest interior is made up of an inner (solid) and an outer (liquid) core, both composed largely of iron and nickel with several other elements as well. Its density varies from 9.9 to 13 g/cm3. P-wave shadow zone (P dalgas glge kua) S-wave shadow zone (S dalgas glge kua)
id: 7ca7f371e65c2ecb169f8114374a8def - page: 13
Earths Internal Heat How hot is it inside our planet, and where does the heat come from? The answer to the first part of this question depends on depth because Earths temperature increases with depth, but not in a linear fashion. The source of heat is twofold: First, some is residual heat from Earths origin, and second, much of Earths internal heat is generated by radioactive decay. In any case, internal heat is responsible for Earths ongoing seismicity, volcanism, moving plates and mountain building. Earths temperature increases with depth, its geothermal gradient (jeotermal gradyan) averages about 25 C/km, but it is higher in areas of active or recently active volcanism.
id: 4d1e920dc6352b16f685c7a9d918786d - page: 16
Earths Magnetic Field Magnetism (manyetizma) is a physical phenomenon resulting from the spin of electrons in some solids, particularly those of iron, and moving electricity. Magnetic field (manyetik alan) is an area in which magnetic substances, such as iron, are affected by lines of magnetic force emanating from a magnet. Experts on magnetism do not fully understand all aspects of Earths magnetic field, but most agree that electrical currents resulting from convection in the liquid outer core generate it.
id: 33150506f30af1ca02f217f7e8a73678 - page: 18
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