Created at 1pm, Apr 17
UurM67Health & Lifestyle
Brain Behavior and Immunity
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Western diet consumption impairs memory function via dysregulatedhippocampus acetylcholine signaling

Given the long-term reduction in HPC ACh tone and altered temporal HPC ACh dynamics in CAF rats, we next sought to determine whether pharmacological administration of ACh receptor agonists could rescue the long-lasting deficits in memory function in CAF rats. On day 2 of the HPC-dependent NOIC task (tested after a healthy diet intervention), each rat was given bilateral infusions of either a general ACh receptor agonist (AChRa; carbachol), an 7 nicotinic receptor ACh agonist (7nAChRa; PNU 282987), or vehicle 38 min immediately prior to undergoing the task (Fig. 6A and B). On the subsequent test day of the task, rats that received either AChRa (carbachol) or 7nAChRa (PNU) exhibited improved memory performance compared to rats receiving vehicle alone, with the latter group showing memory performance at chance levels analogous CAF rats in preceding experiments (Fig. 6C). These findings not only reveal that early life WD-induced memory impairments are reversed by augmenting ACh transmiss
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3.6. Early life WD disrupts acute ACh signaling dynamics during memory testing
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Given that early life WD consumption resulted in enduring memory dysfunction and decreases in HPC ACh tone, we next investigated whether acute ACh signaling dynamics during the contextual episodic memory task were altered in CAF vs. CTL rats. After the 30-day healthy diet intervention period, CAF and CTL animals underwent the NOIC behavioral task with simultaneous recording of ACh signaling via in vivo fiber photometry (Fig. 5A and B). Replicating the results from our previous cohorts, results revealed that CAF rats were impaired in the task (Fig. 5C). CTL rats showed increased ACh release at the moment of investigating the object novel to the context compared to the object familiar to the context on the test day (day 3; Fig. 5D, Fig. S8), whereas CAF rats showed no difference in ACh release upon investigating the two objects on the test day (Fig. 5E, Fig. S8). Comparing between groups, the extent of ACh release at the onset of exploring the object novel to the context was significan
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5F), but there were no differences in ACh release between groups at
id: d731dcdb96774647f051b6feed60aad8 - page: 9
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