Created at 6pm, Jan 4
Strenght Training Anatomy
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Training anatomyFrederic Delavier

Delteideus Omohyoideus Bending over works the spinal crectors isometrically. You can work the back region at various angles by experimenting with ditferent grip widths and types (overhand or underhand), as well as by varying the forward til! of your torso. Supraspinatus. ' \nfraspinatus \ Serreatus anterian Teres major Teres minor Supraspinatus ~ Subscapularis : Serratus anterior Triceps brachii Triceps brachii Deltardeus Teres miajur STRENGTH TRAINING ANATOMY 10 T-BAR ROWS Rhomboideus Trapezius Splenius Infraspinatus Sternocleidomastoideus Deltoideus, posterior part Biceps brachii Deltoideus, middle part : Brachialis Brachioradialis a Triceps brachii \ Latissimus dorsi Extensor carpi radialis longus 4 i Latissimus dorsi, Anconeus aponcurosis of insertion Obliquus externus abdominis Pectoralis minor f Pectoralis major
id: 6b2468a865f5552d17a5de0afcf458ed - page: 73
Serratus anterior = r To avoid any risk of injury when doing T-bar rows without ai inctine bench, make sure your back fs never rounded throughout the movement. Stand on the platforms provided on each side of the T-bar. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight, Bend over at about a 45-degree angle or rest against the incline bench if one is provided: Inhale and pull the T-bar up until the plates contact your chest Exhale as you complete the movement VARIATION WITH SPECIFIC MACHINE This exercise, similar to bent rows, places more REPRODUCING T-BAR MOVEMENT emphasis on the back and requires less eifort to set your body in the correct movement pattern, It works the lats, teres major, posterior deltoids, arm flexors, and the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. Note: if you take an underhand grip, you shift some work to the biceps and the upper portion of the trapezius at the end of the pull. 1 STIFF-LEGGED DEADLIFTS Longissimus thoracis {deep under aponcurosis
id: ff30856b6cb0698119db4ed2ad680eb9 - page: 74
Quadriceps femoris, vastus intermedius Patella Head of fibula Extensor digitorum longus Peroneus longus Soleus ACTION 4
id: dbed51946976aa8c6f4f83123aca2072 - page: 75
Costa Floating ribs Lumbar verlebra Sacrum) Os et] Stand with your fect placed fairly close to each other, facing the bar on the floor. Bend forward at the waist, keeping your back arched and, if possible, your legs straight, Take an overhand grip on the bar, with your arms relaxed: Inhale and straighten your body, flexing at the hips and keeping your back rigid Exhale as you complete the movement and return the bar back to the floor, keeping your back straight This exercise involves all the spinal erectors. When you flex at the hips to straighten your body, it specifically works the muscles of the hips, buttocks, and thighs (but not the thigh biceps short head). The stiff-legged deadliit exercise stretches the back of your thighs. In order to increase the range of motion, perform the exercise while standing on a thick block of wood. Warning: people with back problems should perform this exercise with caution because of Heack of fibula Head of jenyur
id: 30107c8155de1b7afc38bfe4386a1a49 - page: 75
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