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The Best Reference Book forStudents, Teachers andParents.AZEEM AHMADKHANGENERAL PRESSPublished byGENERAL PRESSStudent’s Encyclopedia of GeneralKnowledge provides the best of GK toits readers. This handy volume is auseful source of information andreference, particularly for students ofclasses III to VIII. It is the best referencework in a single volume for GK teachersand parents who regularly need to checkfacts & figures.Student’s Encyclopedia of GeneralKnowledge is a book like no other.Completely up-to-date, it brings awealth of information to the whole class.The alphabetical order of entries in eachchapter and clear design make the bookan outstanding reference work, while thelavish and spectacular illustrationsensure that it is always a pleasure to use.Every piece of information is authentic—culled together from several areas ofknowledge ranging from encyclopedias,fact books, year books, officialgovernment releases, internet and otherreliable sources—and verified foraccuracy.This book is full of features that aim toprovide useful data in an easilyaccessible format. The contents cover awide range of subjects includinglanguage & literature, sports & culture,people & places, history & geography,science & technology, mythology &current affairs, etc. ‘Believe It or Not’boxes contain interesting and amazingfacts. Quiz, given at the end, is anexciting way to test your knowledge. Itcontains 200 important questions basedon the contents of the book. Acomprehensive index helps to find out atopic quickly.Once you are convinced that Student’sEncyclopedia of General Knowledge istruly a book like no other, kindlyrecommend it to your students along withtheir school curriculum. It would helpthem to broaden their field ofknowledge.This book will be updated and revisedannually, and published every year in anew edition. We would welcomeresponses from students, teachers andparents about how useful they found thebook, and any suggestions they mighthave towards its improvement. You cankeep in touch with the editors directly.E-mail them Lookingforward for your comments andsuggestions

It includes the plan used for organizing the UN and the rules by which the UN is governed. UN the members agree requirements of the Charter. A member nation that violates the Charter may be suspended or even expelled from the UN. The Charter has 19 chapters divided into 11 articles that explains the purposes and principles of the UN. to carry out Purposes and Principles of UN The Charter lists four purposes and seven principles of the United Nations: The four purposes of the United Nations are as follows: 1. To preserve world peace and security. 2. To encourage nations to be just in their actions towards each other. 3. To help nations cooperate in trying to solve their problems. 4. To serve as an agency through which nations can work towards these goals. The seven principles of the United Nations are as follows: 1. All members have equal rights. 2. All members are expected to carry
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3. All members agree to the principle of settling their disputes peacefully. 4. All members agree not to use force or the threat of force against other nations, except in self-defense. 5. All members agree to help the UN in every action it takes to carry out the purposes of the Charter. 6. The UN agrees to act on the principle that non-member nations have the same duties as member nations to preserve world peace and security. 7. The UN accepts the principle of not interfering in the actions of a member nation within its own borders. But these actions must not hurt other nations . The Six Major UN Organs The Charter sets up the six main organs of the UN and explains the duties, powers and operating methods of each. These organs are: 1. General Assembly 2. Security Council 3. Secretariat 4. Economic and Social Council 5. International Court of Justice 6. Trusteeship Council Here are the functions in brief of these
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The General Assembly is the only major organ of the UN in which all members are represented. It controls much of the UNs work and debates major issues of international affairs. 2. The Security Council has the major responsibility in the UN to maintain international peace and security. The Charter gives the council special powers to carry out this responsibility. 3. The Secretariat manages the day-today business of the United Nations. Its main job is to provide services for all the other UN organs. 4. The Economic and Social Council works to encourage higher standards of living, better health, cultural and educational cooperation among nations and observance of human rights. 5. The International Council of Justice handles international legal disputes. The headquarters of the court are at The Hague in the Netherlands.
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6. The Trusteeship Council was designed to help a number of territories that were not self-governing at the time the UN was founded. The council suspended its operations in 1994, after the territories gained independence but it still exists under the UN Charter. last of the 48.
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