Created at 4pm, Feb 28
Portal Whitepaper
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The Portal Platform is being developed by the Portal Foundation.The Portal Foundation's mission is to support and promote the Portal ecosystem by enabling gamers, game developers, and decentralised governance.Portal's platform offers players a unified access point for Web3 gaming and game-related transactions, removing the complexity of interacting with heterogeneous on-chain gaming environments.

payment options in-game or on gamerelated marketplaces, and all fees related Transaction fees on the Portal network to any cross-chain transaction through are composed of cross-chain the Portal network are denominated in transactions validated by the Portal nodes $PORTAL. and Portal network native fees. The fee structure will be calibrated following $PORTAL may also perform a natural role testing to allow for economically viable in providing central liquidity to game scaling. tokens and game assets on-chain, thereby capturing some of the economics of the Portal ecosystem as a whole. BURN TREASURY TRN FEES REWARDS NODES GAMER GAME DEVELOPERS 11 Staking rewards A primary utility of the $PORTAL token is within the application. In turn, this allows a vote-stake function to signal support for the game to acquire Portal platform for games on the Portal network. In users to scale their player base and essence, gamers and games can stake
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support for games by assigning a vote to their stake. A game that joins the Portal ecosystem would be well incentivized, therefore, to Voting for Games stake Portal tokens to itself and it follows that gamers would want to signal their In practice, signaling support for a game support by doing the same. This means that it receives increased visibility translates into what is effectively a nimble and attention on the Portal platform stake-to-scale system that through rankings that reflect its relative decentralizes game distribution. level of staking (and other metrics) and more prominent visibility BURN TREASURY TRN FEES REWARDS NODES verification gamer DATA STAKING Spectators GAME DEVELOPERS 12 Platform Rewards Stakers (staking gamers) are eligible to receive baseline minimum rewards
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Game developers also receive platform-native rewards for the votes that they receive. The baseline minimum rewards from the Portal treasury, that any stakers are eligible to receive, are paid in exchange for the vote and effective governance input of the stakers. The baseline rewards may depend on staked amount (weight of assigned vote) and other key factors around a stakers engagement as a gamer or as a Portal community member. Platform rewards consist of $PORTAL that has vested to the community treasury recycled from network native transaction fees earned by the token economy. Spectator GAMERS As Portal gains scale, platform data linked to gamer identities should become a valuable resource for data samplers (like games and brand) to acquire users. Data samplers (or spectators) who wish to access gamer data will also be able to stake to gamers, compounding the
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Global Effects Staking acts as an economic control function. As well as weighting allocations for games, it performs two key functions: 1. Set the amount of recycled $PORTAL for burning before distribution 2. Allocate the share of inflation between the treasury and games. GAMES STAKE 13 Governance Decentralising Portal The Portal Foundation aims to introduce a formalized path to the decentralisation and autonomy of the Portal Platform. More details on the governance architecture and functions of the portal tokenholders will be released soon. 14 $PORTAL Distribution 15 Token Supply This is a single fungible token system consisting of a fixed maximum supply of 1 billion $PORTAL tokens. The total supply of $PORTAL will be minted at genesis and vest to the community treasury on a periodic basis over time. 16 Reward Emissions
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "3KE7Gb0Qel6Mme7FbrS5pew9Q5l3MagYujY8eNiligc", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "3KE7Gb0Qel6Mme7FbrS5pew9Q5l3MagYujY8eNiligc", "level": 2}'