Created at 8pm, Jul 4
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
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Jesus, In Christianity, the son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. Christian doctrine holds that by his crucifixion and resurrection he paid for the sins of all mankind. His life and ministry are recounted in the four Gospels of the New Testament. He was born a Jew in Bethlehem before the death of Herod the Great in 4 BC, and he died while Pontius Pilate was Roman governor of Judaea (AD 28–30). His mother, Mary, was married to Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth (see St. Joseph). Of his childhood after the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke, nothing is known, except for one visit to Jerusalem with his parents. He began his ministry about age 30, becoming a preacher, teacher, and healer. He gathered disciples in the region of Galilee, including the 12 Apostles, and preached the imminent arrival of the kingdom of God. His moral teachings, outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, and his reported miracles won him a growing number of followers, who believed that he was the promised messiah. On Passover he entered Jerusalem on a donkey, where he shared the Last Supper with his disciples and was betrayed to the Roman authorities by Judas Iscariot. Arrested and tried, he was condemned to death as a political agitator and was crucified and buried. Three days later visitors to his tomb found it empty. According to the Gospels, he appeared several times to his disciples before ascending into heaven.

, Fo r this he r ecei ved the titl e o f S acraments . granted to him in O ctober Defender o f the Faith 1 52 1 A. D ., by Pop e Leo X . In April o f thi s same , Luther was call ed to account before the Diet year o f Worms, where he startl ed that august as sembly by refusing to surrender his convictions o r his
id: 88bb200f04cb6424cbcb4880dcb731fc - page: 179
, , 1 7 8 , , THE ANGEL WITH THE O P EN B O O K consci ence to any p ower on earth. A hi storian With the imperishable describing the incident says : Here I stand , I can not do otherwise ; God words , he sound ed the death -knell of h elp me. Amen The angel ecclesiastical and p olitical had set his feet on the and they belong to irrevocably d eclared that b y right and Should be wr est ed from the anti King J esus , chri st , the us urp er of Rom e. The great , restless of mankind was stirred to its r emot est d epths earth trembl ed as the p rocl amation was , tyranny . earth and the sea sea
id: 43dc743575f16ac9c20e1e27f5c7cfa9 - page: 179
forth her anathemas the p ri est and his colaborers . The rst against sessi on of the Council o f Trent ( 1 545 A. D .) m arks the p eriod of the anti -Reform ation thund ers . The f urther con accuracy of the proph etic r ecord is J ohn say s that rm ed by the actions O i Luther. wh en the thund ers began to utt er their voi ces he started to write thei r m essage, but was forbidden by a voi ce from heaven. When Rom e b egan to th under against the refo rmers , Luther ackn owledged the Pop e was the vi car o f that that he still these bulls which he is sued had Chri st , divine authority . Here are his w ord s : Rom e began to th und er
id: 5691a788b579b2a5ee9e6a9409c7a436 - page: 180
S o int oxicat ed was I, and drenched in P apal dogmas. that I woul d have been al most ready t o murder, or to assi st others in murdering, any per son who woul d have uttered a syll abl e against the duty of obedi ence to the P ope. In defense o f his action in denouncing the sal e 1 7 9 , ,
id: 490376b3fc80825a7a04188c072cfc2f - page: 180
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