Created at 9am, Apr 16
The role of digitalization in today’s art: A perspective from NFT and artificial intelligence
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Digital technologies have increased our ability to process images. Artists in the past had fewer tools at their disposalto create their artworks. There is a revolution in art today thanks to development of computer technologies.Activities of artists using new technological tools that emerge with digitalization can be defined as digital art. Allbranches of art where art and technology combine are within the scope of digital art. The main difference betweentraditional art and digital art is the medium where the artwork is created. In traditional art, a musician uses amusical instrument to display his work, or a painter produces his work with canvas and brush. In digital art, thisoccurs using technological devices. Many applications, from digital graphic arrangements to video installations,from virtual realities to artificial intelligence applications, fall within the scope of digital art.This article’s goals are to investigate how technology has affected art throughout history and to look at how digitalart is created and sold. In this article, the impact of artificial intelligence on today’s art and artists will be examined.NFTs, another controversial artwork of today, will be focused on and information will be given about the variantsof these new technologies in today’s art. Literature review and compilation were chosen as the method. Accordingto the findings, artists who closely follow technological developments are the pioneers of the digitalization anddissemination of art. With the evolution of artificial intelligence from its first applications to the present day,artificial intelligence has now turned into a productive tool that can produce works that have never existed before,beyond being just an algorithm. In addition, it has been observed that, thanks to NFTs, digital art can escape theauthority of art institutions, create its own autonomous space in a decentralized environment, and present itself asa digital asset open to everyone.

The act of creativity is considered a uniquely human characteristic. However, if we consider how creativity occurs, we can see that the human brain is in the business of producing a work by interpreting information that it has learned. From this angle, enabling a machine created by humans to manufacture specific items using the same method will enable the machine to carry out the same function. Today, artificial intelligence is quite advanced in terms of being able to produce a new product by examining the data set given to it through certain algorithms and mathematical rules. If the artist is the one that creates the image, then that would be the machine. If the artist is the one that holds the vision and wants to share the message, then that would be us. Photo 8. Portrait of Edmond Belamy created by GAN
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(Generative Adversarial Network) Artificial intelligence can be used to generate new ideas and complete specific tasks. The production function of artificial intelligence can be used with 3 different techniques. These; the new data obtained because of synthesizing already produced ideas can be grouped as the discovery of the potential of conceptual fields and the production of ideas that were not possible before (Boden, 1998). 4.1. Meeting of Artificial Intelligence and Art Source: (Pamputt, 2018) In recent years, generative networks and machine learning have led to the emergence of algorithms that can create their own images by After the sale of the portrait, different opinions technology emerged. Those who viewed 51 optimistically experienced the joy of artificial intelligence reaching the last limit held by humans: creativity. However, some believed that machine art would diminish the value of the work produced by human artists.
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Artificial neural networks, despite the many theories regarding artificial intelligence, are algorithms that can generate something within the constraints of the data they are given but are not capable of independent thought. Unlike humans, they do not produce something new by learning known images, they create a model based on statistical matches. This feature of artificial intelligence reflects the features of human visual perception, but it does not have the ability to interpret as in humans. The difference between machines and humans is that the result produced by the machine depends on the classification structures, structural features and facts specified to it by the human. These features are not ethically, aesthetically, or politically neutral. Todays artificial intelligence is limited to the facts given to it by humans and is not in the position of a creative subject.
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Unlike traditional algorithmic art, in this new wave, artists no longer must write detailed algorithms specifying the rules of the desired aesthetic. Instead, a specific data set determined by the artist is given to the artificial intelligence algorithm, allowing the algorithm to scan this set and synthesize it using the machine learning method. The algorithm then starts producing certain images from this synthesis (Mazzone and Elgammal, 2019).
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "3rYv8UHy4Zhro3NUPurlfAEEwRwG0A8SPz5kn-cx3ek", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "3rYv8UHy4Zhro3NUPurlfAEEwRwG0A8SPz5kn-cx3ek", "level": 2}'