Created at 5pm, Jan 29
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Darktrace And Cybereason The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking To Subjugate The World With The A. I. Singularity
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The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity

6/15 1/21/22, 11:49 AM Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity former Israeli Unit 8200 member, co-founded Cybereason in 2012 alongside Yossi Naar and Yonatan Striem-Amit, who are also fellow veterans of Israels military cybersecurity corps. A scholar from the Academic College of Tel-Aviv, Lior Div afterwards worked as a software engineer for Xacct a network service provider followed by the notorious firm Amdocs, which was accused of eavesdropping on American government officials on behalf of Israel. In between Amdocs and Cybereason, Lior Div was the CEO and cofounder of Israeli cybersecurity firm AlfaTech which is described in its national media as a cybersecurity services company for Israeli government agencies.
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Cybereason, in a bizarre advert promoting a fictional product they called Cyberblast, described themselves as the leader in endpoint protection, offering endpoint detection and response, next-generation antivirus, and managed monitoring services powered by paradigm-shifting, military-grade technology leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning. The marketers at Cybereason have gone all out to show themselves as a Silicon Valley style start-up where they spend all their days cooking, drinking, dancing, and doing barely any work, but in reality it is a company partially owned by such defence giants such as Lockheed Martin and who have very close ties to the Israeli intelligence apparatus. Through their partnership with Lockheed Martin, Cybereason now his its A.I.driven cybersecurity software running on some of the U.S. governments most classified networks, including numerous, critical U.S. military systems.
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Yet, its not only major weapons developers like Lockheed Martin who have invested in this hi-tech cybersecurity platform. Reuters reported in August 2019 that Japanese firm Softbank has invested previously in the company, along with venture capital firms CRV and Spark Capital. Spark Capitals investment portfolio includes Twitter, Oculus, Wayfair, Coinbase, Plaid, among many other big players. CRVs investments include Dropbox, Patreon, but also A.I. and machine learning related enterprises such as Standard
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Cognition and Dyno Therapeutics. As with Darktrace, Cybereason offers what is described as a next generation antivirus technology which, instead of responding to attacks when detected, will use A.I. and machine learning to see abnormalities to a networks usual processes in real time. Some of the simulations that Cybereason have hosted over the past two years lead us to election day. In a video entitled: 2018 10 Hacking the Vote from a scenario and simulation which was actually entitled Blackout; Protect the Vote, the simulation examines which parts of an election day processes were vulnerable to hackers. They make clear from the start it wont be all about voting machines themselves. Member Login 7/15 1/21/22, 11:49 AM Darktrace and Cybereason: The Intelligence Front Companies Seeking to Subjugate the World with the A.I. Singularity
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