Created at 1pm, Jan 29
ProactiveArtificial Intelligence
‘Deepfake’ of Biden’s Voice Called Early Example of US Election Disinformation
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Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the head of Biden's re-election campaign, declared that the organization is probing the incident and "actively discussing additional actions to take." Rodriguez characterized the robocall as a blatant attempt "to suppress voting and deliberately undermine free and fair elections." Robert Weissman, the leader of the nonprofit citizen activist group Public Citizen, asserted that the Biden robocall underscores the emergence of "the political deepfake moment." He urged governments to contemplate enacting legislation to curb the utilization of deepfakes to avert election "chaos." AI-generated deepfakes have already surfaced in campaign advertisements during the 2024 presidential race, according to the Associated Press (AP). The technology has also been employed to disseminate false information during election campaigns globally, from Slovakia to Indonesia to Taiwan.
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Hany Farid, a digital investigations expert at the University of California, Berkeley, emphasized that the Biden robocall exemplifies how AI techniques can be "weaponized" in elections. Farid asserted that recent instances of manipulated audio and video intended to mislead voters "is surely a sign of things to come." As AI technologies advance, governments worldwide are exploring avenues to regulate them to prevent public harm. The U.S. Congress has yet to enact legislation to constrain the utilization of such technologies in the political sphere. The Federal Election Commission is presently deliberating public feedback on a petition urging restrictions on AI-generated deepfakes in campaign advertisements. David Becker, the head of the nonprofit Center for Election Innovation and Research, contended that the use of deepfakes represents the latest tactic in a long history of "dirty tricks" aimed at influencing the political process.
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Becker suggested that the objective of such efforts may be to sow confusion among voters to the extent that they can no longer discern false information from the truth. "They don't need to convince us that what they're saying, the lies they're telling us, are true," he remarked. "They just need to convince us that there is no truth, that you can't believe anything you're told."
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