Created at 2pm, Jan 3
The Poetry of Sappho
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This book includes the poetry of Sappho, the translation, and notes are by Jim Powell.

[LP 111] the poetry of sappho (cid:1) Fortunate bridegroom, now the marriage that you prayed for is accomplished, you have the girl for whom you prayed, and you, bride, your appearance is full of grace, your eyes are gentle and love wells on your delightful face: Aphrodite has honored you beyond all others. [LP 112] (cid:1) For you, O bridegroom, there was never another girl like this one. [LP 113] (cid:1) Virginity, virginity, where have you gone and left me? Never again will I come to you, never again. [LP 114] (cid:1) To what shall I best liken you, dear bridegroom? Most of all to a slender sapling I liken you. [LP 115] 29 30 the poetry of sappho (cid:1) Farewell, O bride, farewell O honored groom, farewell [LP 116] (cid:1) Come now, my holy lyre, find your voice and speak to me.
id: 9f287d5b638f1bddfe45ba6c848ca591 - page: 37
[Voigt 118] (cid:1) But Im not one of those with a resentful temperament: I have a quiet heart. [LP 120] (cid:1) And since you are my friend get yourself a younger bedmate for I cant bear to keep house together being the elder. [LP 121] the poetry of sappho (cid:1) a tender girl picking flowers [LP 122] (cid:1) Just now Dawn in her golden sandals [ [LP 123] (cid:1) In my season I used to weave love garlands. [LP 125] (cid:1) May you sleep upon your gentle companions breast. [LP 126] (cid:1) Come to me once more, O you Muses, leaving golden [ [LP 127] 31 32 the poetry of sappho (cid:1) Come to me now, you delicate Graces and you fairtressed Muses [LP 128] (cid:1) You have forgotten me or else you love another more than me. [LP 129] (cid:1) Eros limbslackener shakes me again that sweet, bitter, impossible creature. [LP 130] (cid:1) But Attis, to you the thought of me grows hateful, and you fly off to Andrmeda. [LP 131]
id: d7dc56f5610c413c5bf5b68f22e6ecfa - page: 39
[ Andrmeda certainly has her fair return. [LP 133 a & b] (cid:1) Goddess, I spoke with you in a dream, Cyprus-born Aphrodite [LP 134] (cid:1) Why, O rana, does Pandons daughter the swallow wake me? [LP 135] 33 34 the poetry of sappho (cid:1) springs messenger, the lovelyvoiced nightingale [LP 136] (cid:1) In Answer To Alcaeus [ ] I want to tell you something, and yet my shame prevents me ... [ [ But if you wanted good things or lovely ones and if your tongue werent stirring up something bad to say then shame would never hide your eyes: you would state your case [ [LP 137] (cid:1) But stand before me, if you are my friend, and spread the grace thats in your eyes. [LP 138] ]
id: 22df2183e77e5dc0cfff711836270ff0 - page: 42
What shall we do? Beat your breasts, girls, and tear your clothes. [LP 140] (cid:1) There a bowl of ambrosia was mixed and ready and Hermes took the pitcher and poured wine for the gods. They all held glasses and made libations, praying all good things for the groom. [LP 141] (cid:1) Now Leto and Nob were very dear companions [LP 142] (cid:1) golden chickpeas grew along the shore [LP 143] 35 36 the poetry of sappho (cid:1) certainly now theyve had quite enough of Gorgo. [LP 144] (cid:1) For me neither the honey nor the bee. [LP 146] (cid:1) I think that someone will remember us in another time. [LP 147] (cid:1) Wealth without virtue is no harmless neighbor. [LP 148] the poetry of sappho (cid:1) when nightlong slumber closes their eyes [LP 149] (cid:1)
id: 9ad2ebece90499b9d2dae262befc89f8 - page: 44
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