Created at 10am, Jan 18
Render Token (RNDR) Whitepaper
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Render Token (RNDR) Whitepaper

Dive into Render Token the solution for widely accessible, P2P, cloud-based, blockchain rendering As described earlier, Render Token will be the primary unit utilized to exchange rendering and streaming services and proof-of-render work on the OctaneRender Cloud (ORC) network, OTOYs cloud rendering marketplace. In its final form, the token will allow users to utilize the wide array of available GPUs in the peer-to-peer network, allowing for quick and reliable rendering facilitated and kept track of by the blockchain. 5
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On the ORC Network, users will create accounts that will be linked to the Ethereum blockchain through smart contracts and unique wallets. By purchasing and storing Render tokens in their accounts, users will be able to exchange these tokens on the network for various rendering and streaming services. During this exchange, the network will send a request for a Render token smart contract in order to enter a transaction with both parties the person or server processing the render/streaming and the person who requests the rendering services. The cost of the job will be calculated and determined in Render tokens. The smart contract will then transfer funds across accounts once the allotted render job has been completed. Once the process is completed, users will then be able to withdraw their Render Tokens into Ethereum and convert to fiat currency if they wish. Basic Transaction Flows diagram through the ORC Network RENDER SYSTEM FLOW RENDER TOKEN GPU FOR RENDRING 1 2
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RENDER NETWORK USER REQUESTED JOBS 4 ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN 3 USER PROCESSING JOBS 1. The user needs a render job, they go to the ORC portal on the web or in one of 30 supported toolchains and submit a render task. ORC renders will be one click away from any Octane plug-in, allowing for easy access at any time. 2. The render task is calculated and they get quoted a price for the task in Render tokens they pay and the tokens and the render details get attached to the smart contract. The task is sent across the Render Network and facilitated by a user that will match the task and process the render job. 3. The user processing the job then utilizes their GPU to perform the task requested from them and once complete, sends the completed task back through the Render Network. 4. Once completed and reconciled, the tokens are transferred from the user who requested the task to the user or server that completed the task via the smart contract. Mapping the value of a Render token
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One Render Token will be initially mapped to 256 seconds of work at 256 OctaneBench, a benchmarking unit created by OTOY to reflect the processing power of various GPUs in a rig. 6 Users will be able readily to modify the speed and time of their render job. For example, a job consuming one Render token could be modified to equal 128 seconds of work at 512 OctaneBench, or 32 seconds of work at 2048 OctaneBench. The user interface within the network will allow users to perform jobs and will give them a quote in Render tokens for the job that they are trying to process. The job would then be passed through the network with the pertinent render parameters (i.e. process the job for 64 seconds at 1024 OctaneBench) attached to the smart contract.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "5mYs-QzBgOx-byvjy9kIOKO7VH3URStZQxXnazob2kw", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "5mYs-QzBgOx-byvjy9kIOKO7VH3URStZQxXnazob2kw", "level": 2}'