Created at 1pm, Mar 6
The wonderful wizard of Oz by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919; Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written solely to pleasure children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heart-aches and nightmares are left out.Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919; Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915

"So I did. The Scarecrow went sorrowfully back to his friends and told them what Oz had said; and Dorothy was surprised to find that the great Wizard was not a Head, as she had seen him, but a lovely lady. ^;:3}r "All the same," said the Scarecrow, "she needs a heart as much as the Tin Woodman." On the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Tin Woodman and said, 131 132 THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ. "Oz has sent for you. So the Tin Woodman followed him and came to the great Throne Room. He did not know whether he would find Oz a lovely lady or a Head, but he hoped it would be the lovely lady. himself, "if it is the Head, I am sure I shall not be given a heart, since a head has no heart of its own and therefore cannot But if it is the lovely lady I shall beg hard feel for me. for a heart, for all ladies are themselves said to be kindly hearted."
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Follow me," "For," he said to But when the Woodman entered the great Throne Room he saw neither the Head nor the Lady, for Oz had It was nearly as taken the shape of a most terrible Beast. big as an elephant, and the green throne seemed hardly strong enough to hold its weight. The Beast had a head like that of a rhinoceros, only there were five eyes in its face. There were five long arms growing out of its body and it also had five long, slim legs. Thick, woolly hair covered every part of it, and a more dreadful looking It was fortunate the Tin monster could not be imagined. Woodman had no heart at that moment, for it would have beat loud and fast from terror. But being only tin, the Woodman was not at all afraid, although he was much disappointed. "I am Oz, the Great and Terrible," spake the Beast, in a voice that was one great roar. "Who are you, and why do you seek me?" THE WONDERFUI. WIZARD OF OZ. 133 "I am a Woodman, and made of tin. Therefore I I pray you to give me
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a heart that I may be as other men are." "Why should I do this?" demanded the Beast. "Because I ask it, and you alone can grant my request," answered the Woodman. Oz gave a low growl at this, but said, gruffly, "If you indeed desire a heart, you must earn it." "How?" asked the Woodman. "Help Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West," replied the Beast. "When the Witch is dead, come to me, and I will then give you the biggest and kindest and most loving heart in all the Land of Oz." So the Tin Woodman was forced to return sorrowfully to his friends and tell them of the terrible Beast he had seen. They all wondered greatly at the many forms the great Wizard could take upon himself, and the Lion said, 1
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"If he is a beast when I go to see him, I shall roar my loudest, and so frighten him that he will grant all I ask. And if he is the lovely lady, I shall pretend to spring upon her, and so compel her to do my bidding. And if he is the great Head, he will be" at my mercy; for I will roll this head all aboutj the room until he promises to give us what we desire. So be of good cheer rny friends; for all will yet be ^vell." ? V _
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