Created at 8pm, Mar 31
Simple and Effective Science for Self-realization
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In moments of reflection, it is only natural to wonder what is the true purpose in life and to ask, behind the constant efforts made just in \'living\', what is it that we are seeking?In the book \'Self Realization\', Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan reveals the science of Self realization, describing that attaining knowledge of Self is ultimate life purpose, and is the beginning of lasting, permanent happiness. Dadashri explains that all beings continuously seek happiness but can only be satisfied by spiritual happiness.Whether interested to discover ultimate life purpose, or on a spiritual quest to attain spiritual enlightenment, \'Self Realization\' is a unique resource.Excerpt:[1] What Is the Goal of a Human Life?This life is all fractured. One does not even know why he is living his life. There is no meaning in a life without a goal. One earns money, enjoys his meals and worries the whole daylong. How can that be the goal of a life? How can this human life not be wasted? After being born as a human being what should one do to attain the goal? If you want happiness of worldly comforts (bhautik sukh) then share with others what you have.Learn the law of this world in just one sentence. The essence of all the religions of the world is that if you want happiness, give happiness to others and if you want to suffer, give pain to others. Do what is suitable to you. Some will inquire how to help others when they are poor. There are ways to help others even if you are poor. This is by having an obliging nature. You may run chores and errands for him, advise him, etc. There are so many ways to help others.Two Types of Goals: Worldly and FinalTwo types of goals need to be decided. The first is that you have to live your life in such a way that no living being is hurt by you. You have to spend your time in the company of those who promote the attainment of the Self (satsang) and vicinity of good human beings, and avoid bad company (kusang) as much as possible. This should be the aim. And in the second goal, if you happen to meet a living (pratyaksh) Gnani Purush (One who has fully realized the Self and is able to impart the Knowledge of the Self to others; attain Self-realization from Him), then remain in His satsang. With Him, all your goals will be accomplished and all your puzzles will be solved (and one will attain liberation).So what then is the final goal of a human being? Liberation (moksha) should be the only goal. You do want liberation, don't you? For how much longer do you want to keep on wandering aimlessly? You have done only this for infinite lives. You have not left any place to wander. Why did you have to suffer such endless wanderings? This is because you have not known your true identity; you have not known the answer to \'Who Am I?\' Should you not know your real Self? Despite the extensive wanderings of countless lives, you do not even know who you really are. Is making money your only goal in life? Should you not be making some effort towards your liberation (moksha)? A human being can indeed become a God, the absolute Self (Parmatma). To attain one's own \'absolute Self\' is the final goal of a human being.

Therefore, we have to do whateverpresents at whatever time. What can you do when Dada is nothere? You should read Dadas book. Dada is verily there inbook, isnt He? Otherwise, the moment you close your eyes,you will see Dada!World Is Flawless through Five AgnasBeginning of Seeing Ones Own Faults after Attaining GnanWithout the knowledge of the Self, you will not be ableto see your own faults, because you have the belief: I amChandubhai. I have no faults and I am a wise and anhonourable person. When you attain Self-realization, you are nolonger partial towards the mind, speech or body. And it is thisvery impartiality that allows you to see your own faults. Whenyou find your own fault when you see the faults that you makein each and every second you are aware of when they happenand where they happen; you have become a fully enlightenedSelf. You can become impartial after understanding that you arenot Chandubhai (the relative self); but you are in fact3536
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Sat means eternalthe Self, and sang meanscompany. This (The Gnani Purush) is the manifest Sat, so ifYou sit in the company of this Sat, then it is considered theultimate satsang.By remaining in satsang, it will all empty out. Becauseby remaining with us, by seeing us; You will attain directenergies from us and so Your awareness (jagruti) willincrease tremendously. You should try to remain in satsang.If you are absorbed with this satsang then Your work isdone.What does it mean to accomplish Your work? Try to dodarshan as much as possible. Get the benefit of being in livepresence in the satsang, where you can see him directly, asmuch as possible. If it does not happen then be remorseful forit. You should do the darshan of the Gnani Purush. Andremain seated in His Company.Importance of Reading Dadas Books and MagazinesAptavani How Functional!These words are of the Gnani Purush and they arefresh. Its phases (paryaya) are current and, therefore, all yourphases change as you
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Some can even attain the right vision (samkit) in thisway. This is because this speech is the speech of the Vitarag(The one who is free from all attachments). Speech is onlyworthy if it is without attachment or abhorrence, and nototherwise. The speech of the Lord was without attachment andabhorrence and its effect is still going on. Therefore, even thespeech of the Gnani Purush is effective. For liberation, thereis no solution without the speech of a Vitarag.When One Does Not Get Direct SatsangQuestioner: Dadaji, when I cannot stay in close livecontact or live satsang, then how much will the books of Dadahelp?Dadashri: Everything will help. These entire materialhere, all things of Dada, those are Dadas words; it is Dadasintent. So everything will help.Questioner: But there is a difference between familiarityof live satsang (parichaya) and this, isnt it?Dadashri: If you try to evaluate the difference then thereis difference in everything.
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Therefore, we have to do whateverpresents at whatever time. What can you do when Dada is nothere? You should read Dadas book. Dada is verily there inbook, isnt He? Otherwise, the moment you close your eyes,you will see Dada!World Is Flawless through Five AgnasBeginning of Seeing Ones Own Faults after Attaining GnanWithout the knowledge of the Self, you will not be ableto see your own faults, because you have the belief: I amChandubhai. I have no faults and I am a wise and anhonourable person. When you attain Self-realization, you are nolonger partial towards the mind, speech or body. And it is thisvery impartiality that allows you to see your own faults. Whenyou find your own fault when you see the faults that you makein each and every second you are aware of when they happenand where they happen; you have become a fully enlightenedSelf. You can become impartial after understanding that you arenot Chandubhai (the relative self); but you are in fact3536
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