Created at 8am, Apr 16
Fantasizing history between subjectivity and objectivity
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This research delves into the intricate interplay between subjectivity and objectivity within the context of historical fantasizing. It also explores the potential for a symbiotic relationship between narrative and history to generate empirical literature that anticipates and aligns with future developments, despite the apparent contradictions inherent in these two disciplines: history, characterized by its objectivity, and narration, characterized by its subjectivity. To accomplish this objective, the study meticulously scrutinizes the mechanisms facilitating the fusion of narrative and history. It also conducts a thorough examination of subjectivity within both historical and narrative contexts, utilizing the concept of fantasizing as a lens through which to explore its connection to narration. Furthermore, the study investigates the roles of narrators and historians, identifies points of convergence and divergence between them, and sheds light on potential challenges arising from the tension between subjectivity and objectivity in their respective domains.Baniamer, Asem & Allendi, Noor. (2024). Fantasizing history between subjectivity and objectivity. Cogent Arts & Humanities. 11. 10.1080/23311983.2024.2335787.

they cannot be embraced as authoritative sources of historical knowledge, as they were not originally intended as such nor conceived as references that one might consult within specialized historical compendia. Novels, in essence, epitomize a literary genre that hinges upon the authors fertile imagination and capacity to craft a narrative with ideas that resonate with the reader. the author, in this context, is not beholden to the pursuit of utmost accuracy and credibility in the factual underpinnings upon which the narrative is constructed. instead, they enjoy unfettered creative license to articulate their storyline in any manner they see fit, so long as the narrative remains a tapestry of fantastical invention borne from their creative faculties.
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it remains the prerogative of the author to deploy their historical background in a manner that aligns with their vision, thereby directing public opinion along unconventional trajectories. the author retains the liberty to accentuate their perspective on historical events, regardless of whether it accords with prevailing orthodoxies. a salient example of this phenomenon can be found in the renowned series of novels recounting the history of islam authored by the lebanese writer Jurji Zaydan in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. these novels constitute narratives that defy conventional measures of truth and falsehood, or honesty and deceit, for they are fundamentally subjective endeavors that derive their success from the vigor of their creative force rather than an allegiance to factual exactitude. thus, subjectivity within narrative wo
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any deviation from this fundamental characteristic transforms the narrative into an entirely distinct form of literary expression.
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4. Fantasizing history
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