Created at 6pm, Apr 6
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This process will convince the team you are a leader who will support and respect them. You will use Targeted Validation and draw attention to areas that need improvement, clarify your expectations, and alleviate your teams fear of retribution. Being public and open regarding behaviors you like will be pivotal to moving people out of a fear-based culture. Use situational awareness to identify who the group has been looking to as their de facto leader, and strive to gain the support of that person as you engage your new team. That person could be a resource of institutional knowledge and a powerful ally for you. SITUATION 3: GETTING SOMEONE TO COMPLETE A TASK In this interaction, you are asking someone over whom you have no real managerial authority to complete a task critical to your success. Although youve interacted with them several times in the past, you still have difficulty knowing whether they will comply with your request. Convincing Tools to
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Use in Situation 3 Consider what you want the other person to think, feel, and do. Think. You want this coworker to think that the project and its completion will help them. Be sure to point out how working with you will lead to their success, not yours. Feel. Working on this project, this person will feel positive about your work together and continue to work hard throughout the project, because you will purposefully praise their contribution in public or over a group email when the project is getting off the ground. Do. As a result of their renewed focus on completing the task based on how it could benefit them, they will be more motivated to do the project and comply with your request. Make a business case with an outcome that benefits them. Think about interactions youve had with them that provided insight into whats important to them. If they are a fact-based thinker, use industry benchmarking reports, statistics, and data to illustrate how collaborating with you could benefit
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If they are more emotional, appeal to their ambition by positioning the project as an opportunity and assure them that you will tout their contribution directly to your mutual supervisor. SITUATION 4: SETTING A SALES TARGET You are the supervisor, and you need your employees to adopt a new sales target. You know there is some resistance from your team regarding how you should go about achieving this goal. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the last sales target was not met, and you believe peoples confidence in your leadership is waning. Convincing Tools to Use in Situation 4 Any project that requires group buy-in requires increased effort on everyones part. Meeting one-on-one with each member of the team and taking Forensic Notes will give you an advantage. As you ask questions about why they didnt hit their numbers and what can be done to achieve better results, you will be listening for way more than the content of their answers. You will be gauging their emotio
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Listen for what they do not mention. This can be especially telling if there is one obvious point that never surfaces in any of the talks, such as their perception, however incorrect, that you may not be up to the challenges of
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7A3q_dze4-nI4wgrxwZXD0Mibif3FdKf5EHZ0TW0VXE", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7A3q_dze4-nI4wgrxwZXD0Mibif3FdKf5EHZ0TW0VXE", "level": 2}'