Created at 10pm, Feb 22
Red Dead Redemption
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Red Dead Redemption Guideby Colin Moriarty (with help from M.R. Sallee and Kristine Steimer)In the late 18th century, the reach of the infant United States wentabout as far westward as the Mississippi River, with the vast expansesitting beyond it an unknown quantity. After foreign empiresessentially abandoned their claims to North America, one afteranother, during the course of the 19th century, the United Statesventured ever westward, until it touched the Pacific Ocean in thewest, the Rio Grande in the south, and the 49th parallel in the north.During the course of such expansion, one notion of the westwardtraveler replaced another, from the hardened explorers like Lewis andClark to the 49ers that ventured to the Sierra Nevada Mountains insearch of gold.But then, there was the southwest. The land of deserts, cacti,cowboys and lawlessness. And just like the lives of explorers andminers in those years past, the lives of those brave souls that pressedinto the southwest in the last half of the 19th century and into theearly 20th century were fraught with danger. And it's that environmentthat Red Dead Redemption places you into, as the mysteriouscharacter named John Marston. The year? 1910. The location? TheWestern Border States.Red Dead Redemption is, in many ways, a Grand Theft Auto game. And that means missions, side quests andcollectibles galore. Our expansive guide covers everything for you, from the game's main storyline to the most obscure,out of the way collectibles and encounters. Our goal? To net you a 100% completion rating.

Thinning the ranks is important, since it will make your life easier when you chase De Santa himself. 2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page 138 of 315 Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough Speaking of chasing De Santa, as soon as you approach him, or if you kill enough of his guards, he'll run off. You may not see him in realtime, but you'll certainly spot the black skull icon fleeing from your current location. When that happens, no matter what you're doing, you need to give chase on foot. De Santa is surprisingly spry, but you should still be able to keep up with him fairly easily. Holster your weapons and take out your lasso. You'll need it to capture De Santa without hurting him, which is the key here. Leave your soldiers behind to take out any residual enemies, and focus entirely on De Santa. Once you have him roped, you'll be precariously close to getting the information you really want. Once lassoed, walk up to De Santa on the ground and hogtie him. Then, put him o
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You can't move very quickly while carrying someone, so depending on how far away De Santa was able to run before you roped him, you may or may not have a frustratingly-long journey back to the cemetery. Nonetheless, when you arrive, deposit De Santa at the marker shown on your HUD. If there are any soldiers left alive, you'll need to kill them before the cutscene will ensue. Bloodied and bruised, you'll find John beating De Santa's face in endlessly, seeking information on where Bill Williamson's ally is on this side of the border. And apparently, he's being kept at Casa Madrugada. = Captain De Santa's Downfall (Luisa Fortuna) 1 2 2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page 139 of 315 With that information now garnered, De Santa's life is completely useless. The game will give you the option to kill him yourself, or to let the Mexican rebels do it for you. We went with the latter choice (by walking away from the scene and instructing th
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d like. It doesn't really matter (though honor can ultimately be at stake). When all is said and done, you'll be tasked with riding over to Casa Madrugada, which is nearby. En route, your new rebel friends will talk to you at length, but since the ride is so short, you'll arrive at your destination in mere moments. Things seem awfully quiet at Casa Madrugada when you get there, until a woman runs out of a room on the second floor balcony and gets shot in the back. That's your cue to arm yourself and get ready for another fight. There aren't many soldiers for you to down here. This fight is more symbolic than anything else, as you'll find out once you've killed everybody. Take out the soldiers on the second
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Once all is said and done, you'll be able to quickly realize what the symbolic nature of that fight was. You killed all of these soldiers for no reason, because Javier Escuella, the man you're looking for, is nowhere to be found. According to a woman John speaks with at the end of the mission, he hasn't been here for months. That's okay, though. The man who gave you this false information may be a liar, but he's also quite dead. Time to move on. 2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc. Page 140 of 315 Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough Since you saved Abraham Reyes earlier in the game, and since he then saved you in the nick of time from the vengeance of the Mexican army, you can now undertake missions on his behalf. The first of such missions can be contracted by heading to Agave Viejo, a location in Mexico near the center of the map, along the border of the San Luis River. There, you'll run into the rebel leader Reyes,
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-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7NfaE4XqeT3CJgc6OrFPlZe3PjHUbaE7PMHTKJtI2cs", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7NfaE4XqeT3CJgc6OrFPlZe3PjHUbaE7PMHTKJtI2cs", "level": 2}'