Created at 10pm, Apr 15
Cardano White Paper
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Cardano is a project that began in 2015 as an effort to change the way cryptocurrencies aredesigned and developed. The overall focus beyond a particular set of innovations is to provide amore balanced and sustainable ecosystem that better accounts for the needs of its users aswell as other systems seeking integration.

It was designed by a team of cryptographers with a large, diverse and publicly verifiable publication history. It was built according to the standard cryptography process, with security assumptions, an adversarial model and proofs. These and also independently by computer proofs were checked by Isabelle proofs 20 submission to conferences of 21 in team the a University written at Cambridge . by Yet this work alone provides no guarantees of usefulness just a rigorous check of a security model given some assumptions. For usefulness, one needs to implement and test the protocol. . This work revealed that more effort Our developers have done so in both needed to be focused on the synchronization model, which led to the creation of Ouroboros Praos Haskell and also
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Rust . This art of iteration is what produces great protocols, with each step leading to new lessons and a requirement to re-verify the correctness of prior step . It is costly, time consuming, and at times 22 correctly is protocol a ensure designed. required is it to yet truly tedious, Protocols especially ones to be used by billions of people are not short lived and rapidly evolving. Rather they are intended to be followed for years to decades. It seems entirely reasonable that, prior to burdening the world with a new financial system we all have to live with for its from rigor and tedium some demand to want we designers. next 100 the years, 20 Number 71 Paper Accepted Worrasangasilpa By Kawin a Following tangent textbook math a 21 22 a for write Annual supervision Crypto of should the of under of in Conference California Paulson IACRs the levity, Professor watch Lawrence Halmoss Professor sake discussion one about how
id: 1ad237de548fcd8d91f7f7e2579fb86c - page: 22
WHY Creative CARDANO WE BUILDING ARE 4.0 Attribution Commons International License Page 22 to of 44 IOHK | WHY WE ARE BUILDING CARDANO | 06/28/2017 Functional Sins Moving into more opinionated territory, the tools, languages and methodologies used in software development are more artifacts of religious providence than objective reality. Source code is like written prose. Everyone has an opinion of what is good and what is being communicated communicated. important less how it times, at is is, than We must commit the sin of choosing a side accepting that it will be wrong in at least one persons choice. a least of at large justification behind is However, our eyes. there
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The user interface Electron that we are calling Daedalus. We have chosen to has been encapsulated in a fork of use the web architectural model where possible, and for our database, we opted for a key-value paradigm using RocksDB . From a component level, this abstraction means that maintenance is far simpler, better technology can be substituted later with little effort, and that our stack is partly tied to the development efforts of Github and Facebook. Using a WebGUI allows us to leverage React and develop front end features using tools understood by hundreds of thousands of JavaScript developers. Using a web architecture services means is model security the and as treated be sensible. that components
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7jAaIBZxisR_UUS5k8ICmbmsQVTzKfBct-RUebolL2c", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "7jAaIBZxisR_UUS5k8ICmbmsQVTzKfBct-RUebolL2c", "level": 2}'