Created at 3pm, Apr 17
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Jess Salas Salas 1.A penis that is small when it is limp, will also be so when it is erect. FALSE. Not necessarily so. There are two types of penises: some that are small but grow quite a bit when the get erect; and others that are already somewhat big when relaxed, and only grow a little more when they get aroused. Most men have the first type of penis, so don't jump to conclusions before going on to the action. 2.The masculine G-spot is in the prostate. TRUE In fact, some refer to it as the P spot, from prostate. Further on, in a later chapter, more will be explained about this area and how to stimulate it. 3.Younger women excite more. TRUE Even though True was put down, it would be better said that it is a half truth. Yes it's true men have a tendency to look at women who are younger than they are. However, that doesn't mean that a mature woman can't appear attractive to men their same age, or even younger men. A mature woman has the experience that young girls lack. The o
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It's not so rare for a young man to go crazy over a woman who is older than he is. 4.Using a condom during sexual relations makes men feel less pleasure. FALSE. There is a belief that using condoms during sexual relations, reduces sensitivity and thus, experiencing less pleasure.
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However, in a research done by Devon Hensel, of the Indiana University (USA), has shown that the factors that predicted greater sexual satisfaction were by receiving oral sex and the manual stimulation of the genitals. On the other hand, those who have shown less sexual satisfaction was due to being uncomfortable with their partner during the act or from erection problems. What must definitely be kept in mind is the correct usage of the condom, considering that if the condom is too small or not properly put on may cause discomfort, thus, have an impact on the performance of the sexual activity. We must also try not to interfere too much with the sexual relation itself when putting on the condom, so for that we can be the ones to put the condom on, while we continue to stimulate his penis. Even so, there may be some men that prefer to do it without a condom, because they prefer the contact of skin with skin. But that is due more to a psychological reason rather than physical; it does no
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While it's true, that at the beginning of penetration, the sensitivity is different, but from half way through the act the sensation tends to be exactly the same. 5.In relationships in general, as well as sexual, the man takes the dominant roll. FALSE It is true that in the past, because of society and the education received, the power belonged to the man. But since quite a few years ago, women have strengthened and are in many aspects equal to men. There is still much work to be done yet for complete equality, but the subject here that concerns us, we can say that the dominant roll in sexual relations changes depending on the couple and the situation. So, in a couple the man may have the active roll today, and tomorrow it may be the woman who holds the reins of the game. This also enriches the couple, because it gives freshness to the relationship, and doesn't fall into monotony. What's more, men also get excited when wo
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