Created at 10am, Mar 5
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Jensen Huang - The story of reaching 2 trillion dollars from 200 dollars

Jensen, who was 15 years old at that time, explains that since he had no idea about the business world, I had to be able to explain my ideas well. To prepare a presentation, he bought a computer and prepared a presentation using Adobe's Persuasion program. At that time, only this program existed. In fact, he wanted to establish the company under the name Envision. However, since a toilet paper company took this name, he derived the company name NVIDIA from the Latin word invidia (to emulation, to envy).
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They did nothing for 6 months after establishing the company. As three partners, they had no knowledge about establishing a company, and they tried to understand this problem by reading "company formation" books. Finally, Jensen sought help from a law firm (Cooley). They asked Jensen how much money he had in his pocket, stating that capital was required for share price transactions. Jense said, "There is 200 dollars" and the company operations started based on 200 dollars. The current value of the company 30 years later is $2,056,000,000,000. The $200 in Jensen's pocket was valued 30 billion times after 30 years. Interesting information: Jensen's cousin became the CEO of AMD.
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Jensen states that he has never been able to make a business plan. I never finished my business plan, Jensen says. For this reason, he found the book C. Gordon BELL High-tech Ventures and started reading it. Jensen said of the book, "It was a very thick book and if I had tried to read it all I would be dead by now." However, he prepared the presentation. After preparing his presentation, he started meeting with investors and realized that the most important thing for investors is that they invest in people they can trust and a vision of a business that is not available in the market. Jensen expresses this issue as follows: "First of all, the question is, do they trust you, your reputation is important, your past is important. Secondly, it must be a business that is not in the market. The size of the market is important and the vision in this business is decisive. So, they are looking for great people who are reliable and have a vision.
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When the company's shares started to rise, the 3 partners started to dream of a target among themselves. Jensen says he will make a tattoo if the share price is 100 dollars and has the company's logo tattooed on his shoulder. He currently has the company logo tattooed on his shoulder. Jensen's work at the company has 50 people reporting to him within the scope of strategy, which is quite a high number for a CEO. Jensen says this: "In this way, he reduces the layers in the company and creates a horizontal hierarchy." They are making exploratory developments in many areas. For example, when NVIDIA CUDA was made, there was neither a market nor a buyer for the product. Their policy here is "if you build it, they will come".
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