Created at 3pm, Apr 17
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Sex is the most beautiful thing given by God to human beings. It is pleasant nourishment for everybody. One should never have the feeling that sex is a bad thing, never have the feeling that it is dirty and never feel ashamed of it. All one needs is a right partner, right place and right time.Sex is not a sin; it is pious that you are born with this gift. It is the main source of creative hereditary. We get life through sex.Sex is sacred. It is a temple of God. It is a potential spirituality. How can human beings be disinterested in it? Just from a tender age, a boy feels interested in it when he meets a girl and vice versa.Virility of a man is virtue if used in a right and sensible manner and a vice if misused. It depends upon individuals how to use it - to keep the partner happy and satisfied or unhappy and unsatisfied.In olden times women just thought they are for continuing heredity, and were not vocal on sex matters. They may or may not have experienced orgasm but never took sex for their own pleasure; it was for the man’s pleasure. Mostly it was not a planned process but done because the man suddenly wanted to do it in the middle of the night under the sheets. There was no romance, no foreplay; man just wanted to satisfy self and woman was always to surrender at the will of man.

Since body cells cannot store sufficient oxygen for more than a few minutes so body needs a steady supply of oxygen; you therefore cannot afford to use the oxygen for your wrong habits. Almost all cancerous beginnings are due to lack of cell oxygenation. Cancer can attack any organ in your body because of abnormal supply of oxygen. Oxygen plays a powerful part on your health. Best way to improve your health is to gain optimum oxygenation of every cell in your body. Every breath you inhale has to supply oxygen to each and every cell in your body. Right way of breathing is critical for good health. Slow and deep breathing lowers blood pressure, regularizes your heartbeat, improves your digestive system and lowers anxiety.
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James Gordon, director of the center for Mind-Body medicine in Washington, had taught beneficial breathing techniques to cancer patients and children with attention deficit disorder. His research of over 30 years also shows that deep breathing slows down heart rate, relaxes muscles and calms the mind. Right from birth everyone knows how to breathe but only a few know the proper way of breathing. You come into the world as good breathers. Babies inhale and exhale from their abdomen. Only deep breathing brings more oxygen to lungs, which is essential for nourishment of body cells. But with passage of time, stress causes your muscles to tighten up and the rate of breathing increases so most people start breathing from the middle and upper part of their lungs. Over 70% of body waste by-products are eliminated through your breathing and your skin.
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Having the right process of breathing is the essence to living a healthy life. Rapid, shallow or chest breathing is an inefficient form of breathing because the greatest amount of blood occurs in your lower lobes of the lungs. Chest breathing results in less oxygen transfer to the blood and therefore poor delivery of nutrients to the tissues. Abdominal breathing helps prevent infection to lungs and other tissues. People breathe fast and deep during, and immediately after love making, which is very good for the health of the lungs. Proper breathing helps your heart, keeps your lungs clear, empowers your brain and all other organs with oxygen and expels waste product and carbon dioxide. Despite all these benefits, many people do chest breathing without being aware of it. Scientists believe that having low blood oxygen levels can trigger development of cancerous tumors.
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Correct breathing will increase oxygenation and improve your blood circulation, essentially needed to avoid sexual dysfunction. It will balance the energy system throughout your body, and recovery from disease will be quicker because oxygen is an essential healer and deep breathing is a natural pain killer. Surprisingly, most of the people do not fully use their respiratory organs due to ignorance and incorrect breathing. Deep breathing has been a part of yoga practices for centuries. As per Dr. Nicholas Araza of California, if you are in chronic stress and have little support to deal with that stress, you should do diaphragmatic breathing also called abdominal breathing or belly breathing. It is an excellent way to get more oxygen to your cells. This deep breathing causes your belly to push out rather than your chest to rise up.
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