5x civarndadr. Bu rnekler doru platformlarda, doru projelere yatrm yapmann ve frsat varsa uygun fiyatlarda kr almann nemini vurgulamak iin verilmitir. rnekler oaltlabilir. Doru yere, doru zamanda yatrm yapmak ok nemlidir (Cryptorank, 2022). 3 | S a y f a Tarih Paylam No 19.01.2021 002 6. Seedify iin yatrm yaptm diyelim, Tier 5 oldum (en az 7500 adet SFUND stake ettim), n sattan ne kadarlk alm hakk veriyor? Tier (seviye) iin stte 4 numaral ksmda bilgi mevcuttur. Bu bilgilere ek olarak imdiye kadar
id: cafc4ec6f7116d8c107c874df294a9e8 - page: 6
914Tier 3$41,74Total Allocation$270.000Tier 4$91,06$WOD IGO Price$0,026Tier 5$144,18Tier 6$197,30Tier 7$531,19Tier 8$1.138,26Tier 9$2.466,24World of DefishVesting Period: 15% at TGE, then 12.14% each month for 7 months Burada grld zere katlmc says (3.914), toplanan miktar ($270K) ve sizin Tier seviyeniz alm miktarnz belirliyor. Kilit alma takvimi 15% TGE (ilk gn) + 12.14% * 7 ay olarak belirlenmi. Phase 11 pm to 3 pm UTCTier 1 (500 Lottery Winners)$8,08Phase 2 (FCFS)5 pm UTCTier 2$13,46Total Participants4.144Tier 3$37,02Total Allocation$250.000Tier 4$80,77$MTS IGO Price$0,05Tier 5$127,89Tier 6$175,01Tier 7$471,18Tier 8$1.009,66Tier 9$2.187,61Vesting Period: 20% at TGE, then 80% linear over 4 monthsMetastrike
id: 65f88ba40892dab9239396767cf97b10 - page: 7
Yukardaki tabloda greceiniz zere katlmc says (4.144), toplanan miktar ($250K) ve sizin Tier seviyeniz alm miktarnz belirliyor. Kilit alma takvimi 20% TGE (ilk gn) + 80%i 4 ayda linear olarak serbest kalacaktr. 4 | S a y f a
id: 2b2da49af3acba2a95072c7624490b2f - page: 7
Tarih Paylam No 19.01.2021 002 Phase 19 am to 11 am UTCTier 1 (500 Lottery Winners)$5,65Phase 2 (FCFS)12 pm UTCTier 2$9,42Total Participants4.017Tier 3$25,91Total Allocation$175.000Tier 4$56,53$SENATE IGO Price$0,180Tier 5$89,51$SIDUS IGO Price$0,0018Tier 6$122,49Tier 7$329,78Tier 8$706,67Tier 9$1.531,13SidusVesting Period: 10% at TGE, 10% monthly since 2nd month for $SIDUS and $SENATE Yukardaki tabloda greceiniz zere katlmc says (4.017), toplanan miktar ($175K) ve sizin Tier seviyeniz alm miktarnz belirliyor. Kilit alma takvimi 10% TGE (ilk gn) + 10% * 9 ay olarak belirlenmi (2. aydan itibaren kilitler almaya balanacaktr). Phase 11 pm to 3 pm UTCTier 1 (500 Lottery Winners)$10,23Phase 2 (FCFS)5 pm UTCTier 2$17,06Total Participants3.591Tier 3$46,91Total Allocation$300.000Tier 4$102,34$SPIN IGO Price$0,01Tier 5$162,05Tier 6$221,75Tier 7$597,01Tier 8$1.279,31Tier 9$2.771,83SpintopVesting Period: 20% at TGE, then 20% monthly
id: f4668dbdd18325a28f69946c8ec1592a - page: 8