Created at 10pm, Apr 16
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Decisions regarding the conservation1 and presentation2 of artworks may constitute crucial turningpoints and as such may significantly influence an artwork’s biography. Therefore, the developmentof conservation and presentation strategies as well as the guidance of related decision-makingprocesses is the core task of conservators and curators in museums, galleries and cultural heritageinstitutions. To structure these frequently complex processes and to enhance their transparency,in 1999 the Dutch Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (SBMK) published theDecision-Making Model for the Conservation and Restoration for Modern and Contemporary Art(SBMK 1999).3 Since its publication the model has served as a valuable tool for navigating throughcomplex problems in the conservation of modern and contemporary art, for discussing and documenting decision-making processes, and for training emerging professionals. However contemporary art forms and recent research results demonstrate that it requires revision.To meet this need the Cologne Institute for Conservation Science (CICS) organized two workshopsin conjunction with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE, Rijksdienst voor hetCultureel Erfgoed) and Maastricht University (UM). Workshop participants were professionals fromthe fields of conservation, cultural heritage preservation, art history, philosophy, and decisiontheory as well as researchers from the training programme New Approaches in the Conservationof Contemporary Art (NACCA).4 This paper summarizes the results and proposes an extendeddecision-making model that addresses decision-making processes regarding the conservation andpresentation of modern and contemporary art as well as the old masters.

Authenticity This step evaluates the potential impact that the elaborated options may have on the identity of the work. It also takes into consideration whether the artwork includes parts / components that are not essential for the works identity / desired state and can or should be substituted. Following the proposed conservation/presentation strategy, what is its impact on the artworks identity / meaning / desired state? Will traces of the production process be influenced by the proposed strategy to such an extent that the identity of the work changes (e.g. traces of the production process that disappear by black boxing with migration and emulation)? Will the proposed strategy affect the original concept / material / desired state to an extent that it will change the identity / meaning of the work? Does the work have parts that can be (regularly) changed without affecting the identity / meaning / desired state of the work? Are there arguments to support or oppose a possible re-maki
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Aesthetic and artistic factors The intended associations with or reactions to the artwork are evaluated, taking into consideration the effect of the strategy on the tangible and intangible properties of the artwork: Will the concept, theme or subject of the work be influenced by the proposed strategy? What importance do the results of the proposed strategy have for the identity / desired state / meaning of the work (e.g. changes in its appearance)? Will the meaning of the concept or the materials be altered as a result of the proposed strategy? In what sense is the expressiveness of the work affected by the proposed strategy? 18
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Historicity The potential impact of the options is evaluated with regard to historic traces, alterations, signs of use, ageing, decay and other changes that the artwork might have undergone during its various manifestations. Will the proposed strategy affect any historic traces and does this influence the identity / meaning / desired state of the work? Will the proposed strategy affect any historic traces, which should otherwise be preserved for artistic or historical reasons? Functionality Each option is evaluated to measure its effect on the functionality of the work, thereby taking into account e.g. the context in which the work is displayed: Does the proposed strategy affect the functionality of the work in any way that is important to the identity / meaning / desired state of the work? Are there any external dependencies as potential influencing factors of the functionality?
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Relative importance of the artwork How does the artwork under consideration relate to the artists oeuvre, relevant artistic movements, and the rest of the collection? What role does the work play within the oeuvre of the artist, associated artistic movements and collection? What importance does it have in wider cultural heritage / world heritage, as heritage from a political majority / minority, etc.? What is the potential impact of its significance on the conservation/presentation strategy? Is the work part of an edition or a single work of art? In case of the latter, is it part of a series or is it an individual work of art? How does the relative importance of the work influence the conservation / presentation decision? Is the significance / identity / meaning of the artwork interpreted differently by the various stakeholders? Are there disagreements or uncertainties? Should the decision-making process be suspended until more information is gathered and / or until a consensus has b
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