Created at 10am, Mar 5
Ms-RAGFolklore & Mythology
Myth and Mythological Discourse in Literary Studies / Mito e discurso mitológico nos estudos literários
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Zhansaya ZharylgapovBibi SyzdykovaAida KaiyrbekovaAzat BabashovKatira ShakirovaABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of the historical retrospective of the concept of myth and the process of semantic transformation of this term in historical retrospect, as well as to study the features of the combination of different mythological and neo-mythological layers in modern literature. The article investigated myth and mythological discourse in literary studies, formed the basic definitions of myth at different historical stages of social development, studied the foundations of neo-myth and its artistic realization in the literary plane. On the basis of modern Kazakh prose, the plot, composition, motif, and imagery schemes built on the use of mythological and neo-mythological discourses were considered. Emphasis was placed on possible mythological sources and the question of what myth can give to literature was discussed.KEYWORDS: Cultural stratum; Knowledge of the world; Kazakhstani prose; Transformation of the concept; Historical period

The parabolic novel Twin Constellations by Khasen Adibaev (2004) is a multidimensional whole with a wide intertextual field, whose plans are united by the idea of universality. In this work, the biblical plane is juxtaposed with moral and philosophical
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The combination of Christian and ancient Egyptian motifs (belief in Amon Ra), as well as the combination of Muslim and Buddhist philosophy, form a religious-symbolic plane of representation. In terms of history and mythology the idea of sacredness of the Kazakh land, its creative energy and power is revealed. The national background of the novel is also accompanied by zoomorphic images, which acquire symbolic meaning: a horse is a faithful friend endowed with magical powers. The mythical figure of Peri-khanum is also introduced into the plot plane. The story uses images of the rulers of Egypt: Ehnaton, Tutankhomon, Cleopatra and Nefertiti. The stylisation of the ancient Greek mythological plot is associated with direct references to the legend of the Argonauts. Odysseus, the
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Bakhtiniana, So Paulo, 18 (4): e63680e, Oct./Dec. 2023 All content of Bakhtiniana. Revista de Estudos do Discurso is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY 4.0 blue-haired sirens, the Hellenes, the brave Argonauts, and Homer appear in the work. The juxtaposition of different cultural layers, which are neo-myths, becomes possible thanks to the technique of mosaic installation, through which the motifs of the abyss (collapse, nothingness, abyss), repetition (of thoughts, fates, ideas), pain, labyrinth, return are realized. Literary intertexts in this work are represented by allusions to The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (2008), which is manifested in the psychological nuances of the relationship between the creator and the work he created. Poetic insertions from the spoken word are used (Altybaeva, 2018). Myth brings to the modern Kazakh literature in-depth ethnopsychology, rethinking of historical and
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Apart from the ideological and thematic changes, mythologemes have also stimulated the development of modern Kazakh prose in terms of genre and style. New genre modifications based on folklore and mythopoetic traditions are being developed, neo-myths are being created, and the composition and images are becoming multi-layered.
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