Created at 11am, Jan 9
The Impact Of Covid-19 On The Mental Health Of School Children Using The Children Depression Inventory (CDI) Instrument
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Educational services aimed at children of all ages are still not fully open, and teaching and learning activities from elementary grades onward are still being provided alternately offline and online. More than 2.2 billion children in the world, which is about 28% of the world's child population, experience changes in mental health. COVID-19 has affected the lives of children and young people like never before. This study aims to look at the relationship between post-COVID-19impacts and the mental health of school-age children using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI).Purnamasari, Anisa & Zoahira, Wa & Zahalim, Zahalim & Said, Asbath & Fety, Yulli & Pongdatu, Merry. (2023). Impact Of Covid-19 On The Mental Health Of School Children Using The Children Depression Inventory (CDI) Instrument: Mental Health Of School Children. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD). 5. 92-96. 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol5.Iss2/177.

000 Table 2 shows that of the 85 children who had a good post-covid response to child mental health (non-depression) as many as 41 children (91.1%) and who had a good post covid response to child mental health (depression) as many as 11 children (27.5%), while those who had a low post covid response to children's mental health (non-depression) were 4 children (8.9%) and those who had a post-covid response low to children's mental health (depression) were 29 children (72.5%). Based on the results of statistical tests using the chi-square test, the p-value = 0.000 is obtained, where <0.05. This shows that there is a significant relationship between Post Vol. 5, No. 2, December, 2023 94
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Indonesian Journal Of Health Sciences Research and Development eISSN: 2715-4718 Covid-19 Responses to the Mental Health Impact of School-Age Children Using the Children Depression Inventory (CDI) at 38 Public Elementary School, Kendari City. DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Mental health for school-age children is important because it will determine the child's mental health in the future. The formation of children's mental health can be started from the first year of the child's birth (11). At school age children should try to get information and be able to see problems from various points of view. However, with the presence of Covid-19 this development has encountered obstacles. This causes experience school-age depression, social isolation and other mental disorders (12). children
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Based on the results of this study, the mental health of school-age children needs to be one of the elements included in the nursing care process that will be provided by nurses. In addition, these results can also provide input for better policies in dealing with mental health among adolescents and children in Indonesia.
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In this study, the children's response in general was still said to be good (61.2%), but many still experiencing mental disorders after Covid19. Mental health impacts that arise in postCovid-19 children such as anxiety disorders, social and school phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (13). In general, the impact of Covid-19 on children is still good (61.2%), but many school-age children are still experiencing mental disorders after Covid19. This is evidenced by the results of the test of the closeness of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables which obtained that the impact of Post Covid-19 was significant on the Mental Health of School-Age Children using CDI at 38 Public Elementary School, Kendari. less Children who have experienced impact after Covid-19 and whose mental health has been disturbed (72.5%). Mental health impacts that arise in post-Covid-19 children such as anxiety disorders, social and school phobias and post-traumatic stress disorde
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