Created at 11am, Feb 13
Kozyrev mirrors and time travel
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Time has physical properties and creative forces, and it is the continuous supplier of energy in the universe, opposing chaos and explaining the self-organization of matter.

Extraordinary Observations and Experiences The prolonged exposure within the mirrors led to increasingly profound experiences for the participants. The people inside reported interactions with the white faceless entity, describing sensations of breath on their necks and unexplainable touches on their extremities. Curiously, 68 of these subjects recounted perceptions of being observed by the entity, accompanied by a sense of its influence over their minds. The diversity of experiences ranged from glimpses into personal lives to events from the distant past, all leaving a deep conviction of their reality.
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UFO Sightings and Unusual Natural Phenomena The presence of the mirrors seemed to attract otherworldly visitations, as witnessed through numerous UFO sightings and the appearance of flying discs. Guards and civilians around the research facility reported sightings of UFOs moving across the sky, emitting beams of light. The peculiar phenomena did not stop there; a particularly striking observation involved a radiant, multi-colored display of arrows streaking through the atmosphere towards the research center. These phenomena were witnessed by over a hundred individuals, indicating the profound effect the mirrors had on their surroundings.
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The Long-Term Effects of Mirror Experiments As the experiments with the mirrors persisted over the years, concerns arose regarding the lasting effects on individuals who ventured inside. Reports of heightened premonition abilities, telepathic communication, and the unsettling sensation of constant observation fueled worries about the long-term consequences. The psychological and physical toll on Trophemoff and Kaznichev, the scientists in charge, raised ethical questions about the continued use of the mirrors. Yet, they persevered in their quest for knowledge until at least 2018, employing the experiments to predict and potentially avert natural disasters.
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Controversy and Limited Information The story of the Khazriev Mirrors is shrouded in mystery, and limited information makes it challenging to ascertain the credibility of the experiments and their findings. The Russian State TV documentary titled "Mirrors" provided some insights, but overall, the topic remains relatively obscure online. The apparent lack of substantial evidence and the muted response from the scientific community contribute to the ambiguous nature of the mirrors' capabilities. However, the parallels between these experiments and other domains of consciousness expansion cannot be wholly dismissed, warranting further exploration and investigation.
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