Created at 1pm, Dec 29
ilkeHealth & Lifestyle
Scientific benefits of Yoga: A Review
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The aim of this review study is to search the scientific literature, primarily seeking out systematic reviews, critical reviews and narrative reviews that have included studies with a focus on the health benefits of yoga in healthy individuals and clinical populations.

Such cardio metabolic adaptations suggest that yoga can provide a level of cardiopulmonary stress that is sufficient to achieve health benefits. Other benefits from yoga practice in healthy participants have been reported to be improved respiratory inspiratory and expiratory pressures and visual and auditory reaction times (19) and attenuated weight gain in overweight individuals (21). While some studies have found no in cardiopulmonary variables after programmes of yoga practice (e.g. Blumenthal and others (22)), the actual level of physical exertion experienced during a for cardio metabolic the stimulus session, and adaptations, is likely to be strongly influenced by the type of yoga, the level of experience of the practitioner and the ambient tempera
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Yoga practice also involves a spiritual dimension and specific breathing exercises, not common to conventional forms of exercise, which may evoke other health benefits.
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To guidelines summarize the conclusions of this evidence-review, the report found evidence supporting yoga as a treatment or adjunctive treatment for depression. However, depending the type and severity of depression, yoga may be recommended as a second-line or third treatment after medication and psychotherapeutics. In more severe depression where suicide is a major risk, yoga is best viewed as adjunctive to other treatments. for each of
id: 5392a1230dae0eecf282fa92b792523d - page: 4
Materials and Methods Most recent literature based on the effect of yoga and meditation on human health, particularly on psychological disorders (e.g., metal stress, anxiety, etc.), endocrine disorders (e.g., thyroidism, gigantism, etc.), metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cancers, etc.) and neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, etc.) was thoroughly reviewed. All the literature was accessed from four most popular search engines i.e. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The papers from the standard scientific journals were only included, in which the researches on clinical trials were mainly focused in the present review. 5. Role of Yoga in maintaining the Physical Health
id: 95bf53baf139bd9009f8b3975517d215 - page: 4
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