Created at 10pm, Mar 11
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There is a reason for making byte size books of the vademecum sort. It’s the result of too many ideas in constantdisarray, endlessly knocking and needing to be given form.Form? Ideas persuading the metaphysical dimension to openup and fold themselves into the pages of a book. Encyclopediashave been around for about 2000 years – still in existence isNaturalis Historia written about AD77 by Pliny the elder.Encyclopedias are tomes of articles and subjects on any andevery topic of accumulated, verifiable knowledge. They differto dictionaries in that a linguistic, alphabetical listing of wordsis limiting. This form of classification may leave the meaningseeker lacking in contextualized understanding andassociation.But this encyclopedia is different.Here, when a volume discusses printing, one can run fingersdown the impressions left by the printing press, and touch theunevenness of ink. Or, a book on artists’ stamps has samples ofthese intimate artworks, gathered from around the world.Therefore, the curious thing with this particular collection isthe way information is presented, the change information hasundergone in the hands of an artist. It presents in real time,an original artifact; how artists and writers interpret andintimately engage with facts – a demonstration of how artiststhink and decode subject matter in their own unique ways.And, this installation continually proves to be an area ripe forartistic collaboration - a body of work made possible throughworld wide collective adventure.

it does not associate with Avant-garde, Bauhaus, Die Neuen Wilden hence the meta mention a term used to characterize something that is characteristically selfreferential. Its a unique book basking in its individuality. Eberhard Janke (Germany) 149 Meta Book 2014 108 Bifidus Jones (USA) Here and Here I received my first piece of international Mail Art from Bifidus Jones in America a card relating to an ongoing project now in its sixth year the world is a town a line taken from the Novgorod Codex. And now BJones book is the FIFTIETH book work for the installation An Encyclopedia of Everything. We had agreed to swop books loosely based on Jackson Pollock. Except one does not hang loose when exploring Pollock. Titl
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And emerge they do. BJones I SEE these figures the clarity of intent for sure I do . Bifidus Jones (USA) 24 Here and Here 2013 109 Kaikkonen, Satu (Finland) a heart. he had a heart. he had You pull and you push but seconds just fall through your fingers the shadow of a moment, the memory you cannot catch the sound fragment the whisper splinters a heart. he had A hybrid book visual poetry and asemic writing meld into a work with fragmented structures, yet chaos does not rule. What ultimately is meaning? When one finds it, another crack opens and the form of it becomes insubstantial once more. Interconnected points which link in a way which is consequential only for the author. But that does not negate its importance it is a reflection of a thoughtful mind, making connections to a drumbeat audible deep within. A Heart Beat.
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Satu Kaikkonen (Finland) (94) a heart. he had 2013 Kurzke, Hilke (UK) Absences A short story, number 1 of a varying, open edition. I wont give too much away in fact, as I saw on Hilkes blog, neither does Hilke, but suffice it to say, this short story is in the form of a dialogue a woman answers the questions of a police officer regarding disappearing things. The ending is humorous and the lesson WATCH for the little things that go missing they could be adding up to some tall story pay attention to the small details of life, otherwise, the big picture may be bland and disappointing or an enormous un/wanted surprise. This book has quite a tale behind it in terms of making editioned, but unique artists books using gesso, stencils and handwriting. The result is an opened varying edition a good compromise for those of us who are keen to repeat a work in a unique way. Its harder work, but the results are not comparable to a commercially printed b
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Many thanks Hilke great work. Hilke Kurzke (UK) (139) Absences 2014 111 Lakner, Susanna (Germany) Caution Sensitive Mail Art. This book was intended to enter The New Alexandrian Small Book Collection, a project begun in 2011. The library title was intended as an umbrella term to house the variety of Mail Art books exchanged and collaborated through the postal system. Susannas beautiful book, meticulously crafted , became the second book from another artist to enter An Encyclopedia of
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