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Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food
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New findings reveal that the body undergoes significant, systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged periods of fasting. The results demonstrate evidence of health benefits beyond weight loss, but also show that any potentially health-altering changes appear to occur only after three days without food.Queen Mary University of London. (2024, March 1). The study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food. ScienceDaily.

For the rst time, the researchers observed the body undergoing distinct changes in protein levels after about three days of fasting -indicating a whole-body response to complete calo rie restriction. Overall, one in three of the proteins measured changed signicantly during fasting across all major organs. These changes were consistent across the volunteers, but there were signatures distinctive to fasting that went beyond weight loss, such as changes in proteins that make up the supportive structure for neurons in the brain. Claudia Langenberg, Director of Queen Mary's Precision Health University Research Institute (PHURI), said:
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"For the rst time, we're able to see what's happening on a molecular level across the body when we fast. Fasting, when done safely, is an eective weight loss intervention. Popular di ets that incorporate fasting -such as intermittent fasting -claim to have health benets be yond weight loss. Our results provide evidence for the health benets of fasting beyond weight loss, but these were only visible after three days of total caloric restriction -later than we previously thought." Maik Pietzner, Health Data Chair of PHURI and co-lead of the Computational Medicine Group at Berlin Institute of Health at Charit, said:
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"Our ndings have provided a basis for some age-old knowledge as to why fasting is used for certain conditions. While fasting may be benecial for treating some conditions, often times, fasting won't be an option to patients suering from ill health. We hope that these nd ings can provide information about why fasting is benecial in certain cases, which can then be used to develop treatments that patients are able to do." Story Source: Materials provided by Queen Mary University of London. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Journal Reference: 1. Maik Pietzner, Burula Uluvar, Kristoer J. Kolnes, Per B. Jeppesen, S. Victoria Frivold, yvind Skattebo, Egil I. Johansen, Bjrn S. Sklhegg, Jrgen F. P. Wojtaszewski, Anders J. Kolnes, Giles S. H. Yeo, Stephen ORahilly, Jrgen Jensen, Claudia Langenberg. Sys temic proteome adaptions to 7-day complete caloric restriction in humans. Nature Metabolism, 2024; DOI: 10.1038/s42255-024-01008-9 Cite This Page: MLA APA
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Chicago Queen Mary University of London. (2024, March 1). Study identies multi-organ response to seven days without food. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 4, 2024 from /releases/2024/03/240301134649.htm Explore More from ScienceDaily RELATED STORIES Cycle of Fasting and Feeding Is Crucial for Healthy Aging Nov. 13, 2023 Fasting interventions, which involve alternating periods of fasting and refeeding, are generally thought to improve health. But these interventions don't work as well in old animals. The question is: ... Time-Restricted Fasting Could Cause Fertility Problems Apr. 11, 2023 Researchers have found that time-restricted fasting could cause fertility problems. Time-restricted fasting is an eating pattern where people limit their food consump tion to certain hours of the day. ...
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