Created at 11am, Apr 17
benjaminArtificial Intelligence
Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Synthetic Data for Language Models
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Abstract of the paper: The success of AI models relies on the availability of large, diverse, and high-quality datasets, which can be challenging to obtain due to data scarcity, privacy concerns, and high costs. Synthetic data has emerged as a promising solution by generating artificial data that mimics real-world patterns. This paper provides an overview of synthetic data research, discussing its applications, challenges, and future directions. We present empirical evidence from prior art to demonstrate its effectiveness and highlight the importance of ensuring its factuality, fidelity, and unbiasedness. We emphasize the need for responsible use of synthetic data to build more powerful, inclusive, and trustworthy language models.

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Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Synthetic Data for Language Models L. Maggiore, C. Jones, A. Cassirer, A. Brock, M. Paganini, G. Irving, O. Vinyals, S. Osindero, K. Simonyan, J. W. Rae, E. Elsen, and L. Sifre. Improving language models by retrieving from trillions of tokens. In K. Chaudhuri, S. Jegelka, L. Song, C. Szepesvri, G. Niu, and S. Sabato, editors, International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2022, 17-23 July 2022, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, volume 162 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 22062240. PMLR, 2022. URL V. Borisov, K. Seler, T. Leemann, M. Pawelczyk, and G. Kasneci. Language models are realistic tabular data generators. ArXiv preprint, abs/2210.06280, 2022. URL 06280.
id: 553835e2e53fc002b0db7287656c2979 - page: 13
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