Created at 3pm, Apr 7
Hard Work or Smart Work?
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Smart work emphasizes working intelligently and making use of available tools and methods to maximize productivity and achieve better results in less time.Smart work involves:Strategic Planning: Setting clear objectives, prioritizing tasks, and developing a well-thought-out plan to accomplish them.Efficient Use of Resources: Utilizing available resources, including time, money, and manpower, in the most effective manner possible.Innovation and Creativity: Finding new and innovative solutions to problems, streamlining processes, and optimizing workflows.Technology Integration: Leveraging technology tools, software, and automation to simplify tasks, increase efficiency, and improve overall performance.Continuous Learning and Improvement: Staying updated with industry trends, acquiring new skills, and constantly seeking opportunities to enhance productivity and effectiveness.Overall, smart work emphasizes working smarter rather than harder, focusing on achieving goals with maximum efficiency and minimum wasted effort.

Encourage your team to reply to the originator in an email conversation, rather than always replying to the whole group. Turn off the alerts Turn off email alerts on all devices and check email proactively. What would happen if we could hear other peoples thoughts? If every time someone somewhere thought something that was about us, or even mildly involved us, we heard it in our head. What if we heard things that were actually nothing to do with us at all? While at first blush this might seem interesting and appealing, the reality of it would be quite stressful. I would imagine it would be very distracting, and ultimately unproductive. Now I dont believe that thought transference and mind-reading are possible, but I do sometimes wonder if email alerts cause a similar problem.
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If every time you receive an email you hear a bing, see a sliding notification on your screen or feel a vibration on your phone, you are letting other peoples thoughts enter into your consciousness and grab your attention. Email alerts are designed to distract you to get your attention. This distraction can occur hundreds of times a day, and while sometimes it is useful to see when a particular email comes in, for the most part the interruption is of little value; it just breaks your concentration on more important work. Research suggests that the intrusion of constant email alerts causes a loss of focus and can lead to our concentration work taking one-third longer to complete. We stop and start our work all the time because of these interruptions, and this has a negative impact on our productivity.
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Most people know at some level that allowing emails to interrupt their day is not productive but allow it to happen anyway. Why is this? Firstly, there is an element of fear. Fear of missing something Reduce the noise urgent, especially from our boss or from a key client. In this case, we need to ask ourselves if we are just supporting their poor email habits. Email should not be used to communicate urgent directives. For anything urgent I would suggest they should pick up the phone or come and see you, as they often do anyway. We also yield to curiosity. We want to see whats coming in just in case it is more interesting than what we are doing now. There is always the chance of an opportunity, a crisis or some juicy scandal that we dont want to miss.
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But I believe the main reason we allow ourselves to be sidetracked is habit. Email alerts are turned on by default in Outlook. A few years ago (when we might receive 20 emails a day) this did not distract us too much. But now that many of us receive 100 or more a day, it is a problem. If this is the case for you, kick the habit. Turn your email alerts off for good on your desktop and on your mobile devices. This will allow you to build a productive new habit of focusing on your work while still staying on top of your inputs. Then build a routine around your email. Check it at regular times, and when you are not checking your email, put it out of your mind and ignore it. You will be more focused, get more done and work more proactively as a result.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "DhihEclsil3oMqsTkTfPueSbdy16ObChAQ6b1x1a1jI", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "DhihEclsil3oMqsTkTfPueSbdy16ObChAQ6b1x1a1jI", "level": 2}'