Created at 3pm, Feb 25
Lower Extremity Joint
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4-Knee joint (Bicondylaris) (it allows flexion extension and little rotation) (Lateral and medial condyle of femur, tibia and posterior surface of patella) (lateral and medial meniscus are here) (Superior articular surface of tibia, tibiadaki eklem yzler) External ligaments of knee a-Patellar ligament (Patellar ligament is attached to tibial tuberosity) (Quadriseps muscle ends at patellar ligament) b-Medial patellar ligament (Medial vastus muscle forms this) c-Lateral patellar ligament (Lateral vastus muscle forms this) d-Tibial colleteral ligament (it extends from medial epicondylus of femur to medial condylus of tibia. it connects with medial meniscus.) e-Fibular colleteral ligament (it extends from lateral epicondylus of femur to head of fibula) g-Oblique popliteal ligament (it is a continuotion of semimembranosus) f-Arcuat popliteal ligament (popliteal muscle passes through under the arcuat popliteal ligament)
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Internal ligaments of knee a-Anterior cruicate ligament (it extends from lateral condylus of femur to anterior intercondylar area of tibia) b-Posterir cruicate ligament (it extends from medial condylus of femur to posterior intercondylar area of tibia) c-Transversal ligament of knee (it is located between lateral meniscus and medial meniscus) d-Anterior meniscofemorale ligament E-Posterior meniscofemoral ligament 5-Proximal tibiofibular joint (plana) (Fibular face of tibia and head of fibula)(it allows gliding or sliding movement) 6-Distal tibiofibular joint (Syndesmos, Non-movable) (Tibias and fibulas distal) 7-Talocrural joint (Ginglymus) (Plantar and dorsal flexion) (it allows movement around only transvers axis. So it allows flexion and extension movement in transvers axis)(Inferior articular surface of tibia, Articular facet of medial malleolus (tibia), articular facet of lateral malleolus (fibula) ile trochlea tali (talus) -Deltoid ligament -Lateral ligament
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8-Subtalar joint (Plana) (Talus and calcaneus) 9-Talocalcaneonavicularis (plana) (Inversion and eversion) (Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular bone) This joint works in cooperation with subtalar joint) 10-Chopart joint or transvers tarsal joint. (irregular joint) (Head of talus and navicular bone arasnda) (amputasyonda kullanlabilir) (Transvers tarsal joint yani chopart talocalcaneonaviular ile calcaneocuboid jointten oluur) -Lssfranc lineCuneiform, cuboid, metatarslar aras gene amputasyon -Spread ligament (calcaneonavicular ligament) supports head of talus from inferior. This ligaments protects foot dome. it extends from sustentaculum of tali and navicular bone 11-Tarsometatarsal joint or lissfranc (plana)
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12-Metatarsophalangeal joint (spheroid) 13-Calcaneocuboid joint (sellaris) (calcaneus and cuboid)(it allows movements around two axes. Sagittal and transvers. It allows abduction and adduction in sagittal plane, it allows flexion and extension in transvers plane) -Bifurcat ligament -Long plantar ligament (it extends from calcenal tuberosity to 2-3-4-5 bases of metatarsal bones) (Peronus longus muscles tendon passes through under this ligament)
id: 3e3e880503b219cb3fb325c797fb7134 - page: None
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