Created at 9pm, Jul 4
Digital technologies for a new future
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Towards a sustainable digital society 9A. The systemic impact of digital disruption 11B. The difficult balance between digitalization and sustainability 13C. The roll-out of 5G networks: essential to the new models of industrial production and organization 16D. The mass take-up of new technologies requires more infrastructure investment 181. Telecommunications are moving to the cloud: the transformation of the sector 182. The digital transformation driven by 5G networks will have a significanteconomic impact but require large investments 20Bibliography 24II. Digitalization for social welfare and inclusion 25A. Divides in broadband access 27B. The use and take-up of digital technologies 321. Distance learning: essential but inaccessible for many 322. Digital health care in the pandemic emergency 343. Digitalization, the labour market and employment 364. Financial inclusion: the advance of financial technology (fintech) 385. Smart cities: a hub of inclusive and sustainable development 41C. Universalizing access 43Bibliography 45III. Digitalization for productive development 47A. Digitalization and productivity 491. Productivity dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean 492. Digital technologies and productivity 51B. The digitalization of production chains 541. The potential of disruptive technologies to dynamize the region’s sectors 542. Agro-industry 563. Manufacturing 584. Retail 60C. The digital ecosystem and the main barriers to digitalization of production 611. The digitalization of production processes in the region 612. Factors that enable and constrain the digitalization of production 64D. Digital policies for recovery and the transformation of production methods 66Bibliography 69IV. Digital governance, institutions and agendas 71A. Digital agendas: empowerment and cross-sectoral policies 73B. Competition, privacy and data security at the heart of digital agendas 79C. Fifteen years on from the first regional digital agenda: strengthening competition 82D. The regional digital market at the heart of subregional integration mechanisms 84Bibliography

Digital transformation can also support the recovery of traditional activity. For example, the use of traceability applications can optimize lockdown times and ensure a rapid response to potential contagions. Etihad Airways of the United Arab Emirates worked with Elenium, an automation solutions provider, to change its check-in operation with a view to optimizing check-in times, providing greater convenience and minimizing infection risk. This development combines the registration of passengers biometric data via their mobile phones, the use of sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize baggage and avoid the use of tags, and self-service terminals that facilitate check-in, dispatch luggage and offer personalized shopping.
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Digital tools can also help manage some of the impacts of the crisis. The Barcel hotel chain is combining voice recognition with predictive algorithms to detect which customers are most likely to cancel their bookings and what their level of satisfaction is, in order to optimize capacity management and provide a better service.
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Source: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), on the basis of Digital Tourism Think Tank [online] Barcel [online] Etihad Airways, Etihad Airways and Elenium use ground-breaking technology to revolutionise the travel experience, Abu Dhabi, 20 March 2019 [online] A. Gmez, El CEO de Barcel Hotel Group explica cmo aplica la cadena hotelera la inteligencia artificial: as predicen qu cliente cancelar o dar una mala valoracin, Madrid, Business Insider, 29 October 2020 [online]
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Digital transformation can lead to value consolidation and greater concentration of profits through intensification of economies of scope and superstar or winner takes all dynamics. The combination of these factors, together with changes in consumer habits (preference for digital channels and rapid delivery) is driving the boom in digital platforms. At the same time, digital transformation is also optimizing the supply chain and bringing it closer to users by reducing transaction, distribution and marketing costs. This process entails an increase in the disintermediation of the chain and in the importance of direct sales channels, as in the case of tourism.
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