Created at 9pm, Jan 5
Project Finance In Theory And Practice
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hnsw Soft Refinancing (Waiver) The waiver is the easiest and fastest way to refinance a deal. In reality it would be more correct to speak of renegotiating conditions, inasmuch as this approach doesnt involve changing the financial leverage decided for the project and the tenor of the loan. In effect, the waiver is an amendment. Increasing financial leverage (so-called regearing) or extending the tenor would, in fact, increase the projects risk profile. This would necessarily mean discussing participation again with each of the banks in the pool, considerably lengthening the time required to come to a new agreement. 201 TABLE 6-25 Repayment Based on a Dedicated Percentage Installment Base Rate Value Spread (b.p.) Current Rate
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Capital Repayment % 0 6% 120 7.20% 1 6.25% 120 7.45% 70.00% 2 6.35% 120 7.55% 70.00% 3 6.50% 120 7.70% 70.00% 4 6.60% 120 7.80% 70.00% 5 6.60% 135 7.95% 70.00% 6 7 6.80% 6.85% 135 135 8.15% 8.20% 70.00% 70.00% 8 6.85% 135 8.20% 70.00% 9 6.75% 150 8.25% 70.00% 10 6.75% 150 8.25% 70.00% 11 6.75% 150 8.25% 70.00% 12 6.65% 150 8.15% 70.00% 13 6.60% 150 8.10% 70.00% 14 15 6.55% 6.55% 150 150 8.05% 8.05% 70.00% 70.00% 16 6.55% 150 8.05% 70.00% Capital Repayment 54.92 55.46 60.01 61.27 63.16 63.14 64.36 64.36 65.11 66.69 68.90 68.93 71.51 71.56 70.68 28.96 Interest 37.25 35.68 34.25 32.35 30.54 28.74 26.32 23.69 21.17 18.45 15.70 12.70 9.83 6.89 4.01 1.17 Debt Service 92.17 91.14 94.26 93.62 93.70 91.87 90.68 88.04 87.28 85.14 84.60 81.63 81.34 78.45 74.69 71.91
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Outstanding Debt 1,000.00 945.08 889.62 829.61 768.34 705.19 642.05 577.69 513.33 447.23 380.54 311.64 242.71 171.20 99.64 28.96 Repaid Loan 54.92 110.38 170.39 231.66 294.81 357.95 422.31 486.67 552.77 619.46 688.36 757.29 828.80 900.36 971.04 1,000.00 OCF 131.67 130.19 134.66 133.75 133.85 131.25 129.54 125.78 124.69 121.63 120.85 116.61 116.20 112.08 106.70 102.72 DSCR 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 1.428571 TABLE 6-26 Lowering the Dedicated Percentage Installment Base Rate Value Spread (b.p.)
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Current Rate 0 6% 120 7.20% 1 6.25% 120 7.45% 2 6.35% 120 7.55% 3 6.50% 120 7.70% 4 6.60% 120 7.80% 5 6 6.60% 6.80% 135 135 7.95% 8.15% 7 6.85% 135 8.20% 8 6.85% 135 8.20% 9 6.75% 150 8.25% 10 6.75% 150 8.25% 11 6.75% 150 8.25% 12 6.65% 150 8.15% 13 14 6.60% 6.55% 150 150 8.10% 8.05% 15 6.55% 150 8.05% 16 6.55% 150 8.05% 17 6.55% 150 8.05% 18 6.55% 150 8.05% 19 6.55% 150 8.05% 20 6.55% 150 8.05% 21 6.55% 150 8.05% Capital Repayment % 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% Capital Repayment 41.75 41.94 45.52 46.29 47.54 47.09 47.80 47.50 48.64 48.81 50.35 50.13 52.04 51.76 50.62 50.28 52.30 54.40 56.59 58.87 9.77 Interest 37.25 36.17 35.28 33.96 32.77 31.66 29.92 27.96 26.18 24.17 22.16 19.84 17.68 15.48 13.40 11.36 9.34 7.23 5.04 2.76 0.39
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "ENdHkQmxDwFE3GHIzlNMk-P9FQfh1ioNFsMVdMf0la0", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "ENdHkQmxDwFE3GHIzlNMk-P9FQfh1ioNFsMVdMf0la0", "level": 2}'