Created at 11pm, Mar 29
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PART ONE: PERSPECTIVES ON TRUST1 A Sneak PreviewWhat would be the benefits if your clients trusted you more?What are the primary characteristics of a trusted advisor?2 What Is a Trusted Advisor?What do great trusted advisors all seem to do?3 Earning TrustWhat are the dynamics of trusting and being trusted?4 How to Give AdviceHow do you ensure your advice is listened to?5 The Rules of Romance: Relationship BuildingWhat are the principles of building strong relationships?6 The Importance of MindsetsWhat attitudes must you have to be effective?7 Sincerity or Technique?Do you really have to care for those you advise?PART TWO: THE STRUCTURE OF TRUST BUILDING8 The Trust EquationWhat are the four key components that determine the extent of trust?9 The Development of TrustWhat are the five stages of trust-building?10 EngagementHow do you get clients to initiate discussions with you?11 The Art of ListeningHow can you improve your listening skills?12 Framing the IssueHow can you help clients look at their issues in a fresh way?13 Envisioning an Alternate RealityHow can you help clients clarify what they’re really after?14 CommitmentHow do you ensure clients are willing to do what it takes to solve heirproblems?PART THREE: PUTTING TRUST TO WORK15 What’s So Hard About All This?Why are truly trust-based relationships so scarce?16 Differing Client TypesHow do you deal with clients of differing types?17 The Lieutenant Columbo ApproachWhat can we learn from an unorthodox winner?18 The Role of Trust in Getting HiredHow do you create trust at the outset of a relationship?19 Building Trust on the Current AssignmentHow can you conduct your assignment in a way that adds to trust?20 Re-earning Trust Away from the Current AssignmentHow can you build trust when you’re not working on an assignment?21 The Case of Cross-SellingWhy is cross-selling so hard, and what can be done about it?22 The Quick-Impact List to Gain TrustWhat are the key things you should do first?

Advisors sometimes stress too much the need to create (and protect) proprietary framing methodologies or models. We think this concern is misplaced. There are relatively few great truths in life. The effectiveness of the advisor does not lie so much in the invention of the next (proprietary) paradigm as it does in finding the way to lead a particular client, with a particular problem, into seeing the relevance of an old (or new) paradigm.
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Emotional Framing Rational framing is a critical, even necessary, component of effective advising; but it is hardly sufficient. Frequently, advisory relationships (or discussions) get stuck in an emotional backwater. Ideas, conversation, and relationships stop flowing freely; they stagnate and begin to hamper effectiveness. Something must break the logjam that is inhibiting the discussion. In such situations, the problem is not caused by (and cannot be solved by) a rational insight. Whats causing the problem is predominantly an emotional or political issue. David was once working with the executive committee of a professional firm introducing new standards of performance and new on accountabilities for all of the firms partners. At one point in the meeting, they were discussing the (obvious?) managerial issue that something cannot be a standard if it is not enforced, or if the firm tolerates noncompliance. the
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However, David noticed some people shifting uncomfortably in their seats and a number of whispered side conversations going on around the table. Something is going on here, he thought, but he was not entirely sure what. He decided to try to address the issue. Calling on one of the whisperers, the following conversation ensued: DAVID: Fred, Im concerned that we are not getting all of the issues out on the table. Is there a complexity about doing this program at this firm that Im not aware of? FRED: Well, you seem to be saying that if one of our most powerful partners doesnt do this new thing, then someone will have to tackle him until he gets into compliance.
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DAVID: Thats exactly what we are all saying, I think. If exceptions are made to this standard for big hitters, then it wont be credible as a firmwide standard to everyone else. Does anyone disagree with that? The room fell silent. Finally, Fred spoke again. FRED: But whos going to go and talk to this guy? I cant imagine telling our biggest rainmaker that hes got to change! DAVID: I have an opinion, but before I give it, do you want to say who you think should have the responsibility? FRED: I suppose it should be the managing partner. At this point, Tom, the managing partner (who had been relatively silent,)
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