Created at 11am, Jan 24
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Atheism in “The Invention of Lying” American Movie
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Movies are believed to be one of the current age's main ways of treating certain ideologies, i.e. for promoting and naturalizing certain ideas and beliefs to the public. They are considered as a main source for sharing ideological messages, sometimes implicitly and others explicitly. Further, the artistic and creative nature of film discourses contributes to increasing the chances of achieving those specific ideological goals. Atheism in The Invention of Lying movie is one kind of this issue. This American movie defines itself as a romantic comedy film, yet it gives a good deal of attention to the issue of atheism implicitly. Therefore, this study aims to uncover the hidden messages of atheism in the selected movie and highlight the linguistic means employed for naturalizing and advancing such an ideology.Fayadh, Ahlam. (2022). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Atheism in “The Invention of Lying” American Movie. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities. 29. 64-83. 10.25130/jtuh.

Ext.13 Well, you're stupid. Stupid is the lexical choice used to describe Mark in his second date with the same beautiful girl he dated before. She also adds: Ext.14 I don't want little fat kids with snub noses. This is an indirect implicature raised by violating Graics maxims and implicating that Mark is the fat one with a snub nose The second character is a collective concept. It is people/ the others, i.e. people all around the world who show interest in Marks stories/lies. The picture shaped for the others/people is seen in the following extracts: Ext.15 This is it Mark, only a few hours left of this until an eternity of nothingness This extract is said by Marks mother on her death bed. She was so sad and desperate about dying and becoming nothing. The noun phrase an eternity of nothingness is an existential presupposition that represents a fact on the 73 9299 29 92
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This noun phrase constructs a part of what the others belief, which is a belief that makes them feel in certain way, which is explained in the next extract. Ext.16 I'm scared. The lexical indication of scared is a completion to the extensional presupposition stated earlier. People feel scared about the fact that there is an eternity of nothingness coming after death. Ext.17 What else happens? Ext.18 I'm going to see my mother again when I die.
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Ext.19 Tell us more, please. These three extracts are said by nurses and a doctor to Mark when the latter has spoken to his grandmother about a nice place to go after death. The three linguistic interaction ranging from a question form (a request for more information), an affirmative statement on speculating other results of going to such a nice place after death ( seeing other dead people, those whom we love) and a polite command (also requesting for more information). These three different syntactic constructions show that people around him belief what Mark has just said so they just elaborate on the discourse instead of questioning him. Ext.20 The words you spoke last night, to your grandmother, spread like wildfire. Please, tell us more. Explain what you said.
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This is another reaction which came in a form of a command requesting for more information. This is said by one of the people who gathered in front of Marks house after what Mark has said is spread. The whole seen and some other questions , as extracted below from ext.21 to ext.24 , also show that people are nave enough and ready to belief what is being said. Ext.21 Is there only one place you go when you die? Ext.22 Will everyone who has ever died be there? Ext.23 What's this place called? Ext.24 Will I get to have sex with people there? 74 9299 29 92
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