Created at 5am, Jun 17
Pulse Height Analysis and Digital MCA
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This document describes how to do Pulse height analysis and gives specifications about CAEN Digital MCA systems.

In case of the 2740 and 2745 series CoMPASS allows the user to the user to directly manage the veto coming from an external signal through the digitizer SIN and GPIO front panel connecto connector as well (see Sec. The Trigger/Veto/Coincidences Tab). 4.2.6 Dead Time
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When a pulse is processed by an analog chain block, the maximum readout rate is limited by the need to complete the processing of the current pulse before being able to process a successive valid signal. When the processing time of a pulse is larger than the time interval before the arrival of the next pulse, the analog chain is temporarily blind and misses one or more successive pulses. The actual live counting time is therefore smaller than the total counting time, and the difference between total time and live counting time is called Dead time. The Digital MCA read out capability is rather independent from the ADC sampling time and processing speed than from the signal width, and in general allows for higher counting rates than the analog chain. The digital MCA dead time is also an information on the relationship between total measurement time and live counting time values. The CoMPASS software is able to automatically evaluate the deadtime including the contributions of pileup even
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Dead time evaluation in CoMPASS).
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50 UM5960 CoMPASS User Manual rev. 22 4.3 Supported Models The following table lists the digitizer models supported by CoMPASS and able to run the DPPPHA firmware: Desktop Digitizer and MCAs Description DT5724(*) DT5724A(*) DT5724B DT5724C DT5724D(*) DT5724E(*) DT5724F DT5724G DT5725 DT5725B DT5725S DT5725SB DT5730 DT5730B DT5730S DT5730SB DT5781 DT5781A DT5780SDM DT5780SDN DT5780SDP DT5780M DT5780N DT5780P DT5780SCM DT5780SCN DT5780SCP DT2740 DT2740B DT2745 DT2745B NIM Digitizer and MCAs N6724(*) N6724A(*) N6724B N6724C N6724F N6724G N6725 N6725B N6725S N6725SB N6730
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "GefUJBk_uc4-hMZpsL0YOzs4Iq9DlrCS_bfD1vLv8Qc", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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curl -X POST "" \
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "GefUJBk_uc4-hMZpsL0YOzs4Iq9DlrCS_bfD1vLv8Qc", "level": 2}'